Georef (World Geographic Reference System) is a grid-based method of specifying locations on the surface of the Earth. Georef is essentially based on the geographic system of latitude and longitude, but using a simpler and more flexible notation. Georef was used primarily for air navigation, particularly in military or inter-service applications, but it is rarely seen today. However, Georef can be used with any map or chart that has latitude and longitude printed on it.
Georef is based on the standard system of latitude and longitude, but uses a simpler and more concise notation. Georef divides the Earth's surface into successively smaller quadrangles, with a notation system used to identify each quadrangle within its parent. Unlike latitude/longitude, Georef runs in one direction horizontally, east from the 180° meridian; and one direction vertically, north from the South Pole. Georef can easily be adapted to give co-ordinates with varying degrees of precision, using a 2–12 character geocode.
The GeoRef database is a bibliographic database of scientific literature in the geosciences, including geology. Coverage ranges from 1669 to the present for North American literature, and 1933 to the present for the rest of the world. It currently contains more than 2.8 million references. It is widely considered one of the preeminent literature databases for those studying the earth sciences.
It is produced by the American Geosciences Institute, known as the American Geological Institute until October 2011.
"To maintain the database, GeoRef editor/indexers regularly scan more than 3,500 journals in 40 languages as well as new books, maps, and reports. They record the bibliographic data for each document and assign index terms to describe it. Each month between 6,000 and 9,000 new references are added to the database."
Major areas of coverage by GeoRef include: •Areal geology •Economic geology •Engineering geology •Environmental geology •Extraterrestrial geology •Geochemistry •Geochronology •Geophysics •Hydrogeology and hydrology •Marine geology and oceanography •Mathematical geology •Mineralogy and Crystallography •Paleontology •Petrology •Seismology •Stratigraphy •Structural geology •Surficial geology
Le temps de passer chez moi
Verser la mousse dans le bain
Le temps de repasser ma robe
D'aller chercher le pain
Le temps de bercer mon enfant
Le temps qu'elle lâche ma main
Qu'elle lâche ma main
Le temps pour un dernier verre
Parler de tout et de rien
Le temps de finir le concert
Le temps du dernier refrain
Le temps de remettre ma vie entière
Entre vos mains
Entre vos mains
Le temps de m'y faire
Je prends mes affaires
Et puis j'arrive
Le temps qu'il me reste
Pour ceux que je laisse
Là, sur l'autre rive
Et sourire
Tant que je respire
Si j'y arrive
Et j'arrive
Juste le temps passé avec toi
Autant, tant que tu veux
A peine le temps de croire en moi
Pas le temps de croire en Dieu
Et me lasser de cette vie-là
Ca je sais pas si je peux
Je sais pas si je peux
Le temps de m'y faire
Je prends mes affaires
Et puis j'arrive
Le temps de dire adieu
A ceux
De l'autre rive
Et puis sourire
Jusqu'au dernier soupir
Si j'y arrive
Et j'arrive
Le temps du voyage
Je prends mes bagages
Et puis j'arrive
Je prends mon courage
A deux mains
Si ça m'arrive
Je prends juste encore
Le temps de vivre
Et j'arrive