Generation IV reactors (Gen IV) are a set of nuclear reactor designs currently being researched for commercial applications, with depending on the particular design, Technology readiness levels varying between the level requiring a demonstration, to economical competitive implementation. Most of these designs, with the exception of the BN-1200 reactor, are generally not expected to be available for commercial construction before 2030–40. Presently the majority of reactors in operation around the world are considered second generation reactor systems, as the vast majority of the first-generation systems were retired some time ago, and there are only a dozen or so Generation III reactors in operation (2014). Generation V reactors refer to reactors that are purely theoretical and are therefore not yet considered feasible in the short term, resulting in limited R&D funding.
Many reactor types were considered initially; however, the list was downsized to focus on the most promising technologies and those that could most likely meet the goals of the Gen IV initiative. Three systems are nominally thermal reactors and three are fast reactors. The Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is also being researched for potentially providing high quality process heat for hydrogen production. The fast reactors offer the possibility of burning actinides to further reduce waste and of being able to "breed more fuel" than they consume. These systems offer significant advances in sustainability, safety and reliability, economics, proliferation resistance (depending on perspective) and physical protection.