RNA polymerase creates a transcription bubble, which separates the two strands of the DNA helix. This is done by breaking the hydrogen bonds between complementary DNA nucleotides.
RNA polymerase adds matching RNA nucleotides to the complementary nucleotides of one DNA strand.
RNA sugar-phosphate backbone forms with assistance from RNA polymerase to form an RNA strand.
Transcription factors are proteins that serve as master regulators of gene expression ... For the Transcription BlockSurvival (TBS) assay, researchers placed special landing spots for the cJun protein inside an important gene in lab-grown cells.
Transcription factors are proteins that act like switches to control when and how genes are turned on and off in a cell ... adipogenic transcription factors and adipocyte markers,” the researchers said.
In addition to exporting materials out of the nucleus, the protein, called Exportin-1 (also called Xpo1 or Crm1), seems to play a role in promoting gene transcription, the process that creates RNA replicas of strands of DNA to express genes ... .
The original process involved a set of four genes that code for proteins called transcription factors ... Using a second virus, the team delivered two other genes that cause the cells to start proliferating first.
Research team used NAMD... Now, their work on Frontier will involve examining transcription-coupled NER, which is a DNA repair process that fixes damage in actively transcribed genes to ensure that essential proteins can continue being made ... .
By using just three transcription factors, along with two other genes that assist in proliferation, they were able to turn mouse skin cells into motor neurons ...Efficient gene delivery for maximum neuron production.
... a transcriptional activation domain, and a domain with multiple, mostly repetitive blocks of 33-35 amino acids, today called the repeat-variable diresidues (RVDs), that promoted gene expression.3-6.
These pleiotropic genetic variations often influence the activity of key regulatory proteins called transcription factors, which control the activity of many genes ... Rather, it’s the interconnection of genes.