Middle-earth is the setting of much of J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. The term is equivalent to the term Midgard of Norse mythology, describing the human-inhabited world, i.e. the central continent of world of Tolkien's imagined mythological past. Tolkien's most widely read works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings take place entirely in Middle-earth, and Middle-earth has also become a short-hand to refer to the legendarium or its "fictional-universe".
Within his stories, Tolkien translated the name "Middle-earth" as Endor (or sometimes Endórë) and Ennor in the Elvish languages Quenya and Sindarin respectively, sometimes referring only to the continent that the stories take place on, with another southern continent called the Dark Land.
Middle-earth is the central continent of Earth (Arda) in an imaginary period of the Earth's past (Tolkien placed the end of the Third Age at about 6,000 years before his own time), in the sense of a "secondary or sub-creational reality". Its general position is reminiscent of Europe, with the environs of the Shire intended to be reminiscent of England (more specifically, the West Midlands, with Hobbiton set at the same latitude as Oxford).
Ravale tout, mets ? jour,
Fait s'?clairer les beaux jours x3.
Ris un peu, fais semblant,
Mais montre-nous c'est ind?cent x3.
Refrain :
Fais se frotter tous ces Hommes ? tes hanches,
Joue de tes seins de tes cris, ta revanche.
Cambre un peu, griffe au cou,
Fais se plier ces beaux jours x3.
Gifle un peu, sois jalouse,
Fais se planter tes ongles rouges x3.
Recommence, file tes pas,
Fais moi rougir, n'arr?te pas x3.
Griffe un peu, jusqu'au sang,
Fais se plier tes amants x3.