Geisa is a town in the Wartburgkreis district, in Thuringia, Germany. It is situated in the Rhön Mountains, 26 km northeast of Fulda. The near border with Hesse was the border between West Germany and the GDR during the Cold War. Thus, Geisa was in the East German border restriction area of the former inner German border, which meant that until reunification access to the town was limited. The town is the westernmost municipality in what was formerly East Germany.
Geisa is a town in the north of the Rhön Mountains in Thuringia. It is located on the Ulster River. The region is also referred to by the old name of Buchonia. The closest city is Fulda.
Suburbs and their population:
GEISA - GEISA (Gestion et Etude des Informations Spectroscopiques Atmosphériques: Management and Study of Spectroscopic Information) is a computer-accessible spectroscopic database, designed to facilitate accurate forward radiative transfer calculations using a line-by-line and layer-by-layer approach. It was started in 1974 at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) in France. GEISA is maintained by the ARA group at LMD (Ecole Polytechnique) for its scientific part and by the ETHER group (CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-France) at IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace) for its technical part. Currently, GEISA is involved in activities related to the assessment of the capabilities of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on board of the METOP European satellite) through the GEISA/IASI database derived from GEISA.
Well, my name it is a number it's on a piece of plastic film
And I've been growin' funny flowers outside on my little window sill
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
You know, my wife still respects me even though I really misuse her
I am having an affair with the Random computer
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin' like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin' seeing all the thing's you'd done
Spacin' out havin' fun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, proud of your planet, oh mommy, proud of your sun
Oh daddy, your brain's still flashin' like they did when you were young
Or did they come down crashin' seeing all the thing's you'd done
Spacin' out havin' fun
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Understand me, understand me, understand me
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
Don't you know I'm a 2,000 man
And my kids, they just don't understand me at all
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man
I'm a 2,000 man, I'm a 2,000 man