Unsu (雲手), literally "cloud hands", is the most advanced kata found in the Shotokan, Shito-Ryu and karate styles and is generally taught to karateka at the 3rd to 4th Dan. It contains many intricate hand techniques, such as the ippon-nukite (one finger strike) in the opening sequence. Unsu also contains a 360-degree spinning double-kick with a double-leg take down at the same time, landing on the floor face-down before continuing. Because of this, it is a very common kata in tournaments.
Per Bruce Clayton in his book, 'Shotokan's Secret', Unsu was created by Seisho Arakaki sometime around 1860-1870. Arakaki was a Japanese and Chinese language interpreter to the Shuri court, and a master of monk fist and white crane styles. It is somewhat a condensation of other katas (e.g., Bassai, Kanku, Jion, Empi, Jitte and Gankaku), hence it is essential to have mastered these before practicing Unsu.
The movement, Unsu, or hands in the cloud, is used to sweep away the hands of the opponent and is said to signify the gathering clouds in a thunderstorm.
UNS can mean:
Uns is an album by Brazilian singer Caetano Veloso, released in 1983.
Āgehī (died 1577/8) was an Ottoman poet and historian born in Yenice-i Vardar (modern Giannitsa).
As a mudarris and qadi, he traveled to many places, including Istanbul and Gallipoli.
In poetry, he is famous for a qasida addressed to his sweetheart, a sailor, which uses much nautical slang. His poetry was apparently not collected into a diwan.
In history, his Tarikh-i Ghazat-i Sigetwar describes Suleiman I's campaign on Szigetvár. No manuscript is known.
Adalbert Geheeb (March 21, 1842 in Geisa - 13 September 1909 in Konigsfelden, Brugg, Aargau) was a German botanist specializing in mosses. The son of a pharmacist, he studied natural history as a pastime, and published extensively.
In 1864-65 he studied pharmacy in Jena. Up until 1892, he served as a pharmacist in his hometown of Geisa, afterwards working as a private scholar in Freiburg im Breisgau. He was a corresponding member of the Royal Botanical Society of London and co-founder of the Rhön Club in Gersfeld.
In 1909 his herbarium contained 50,000 items representing 1300 species. He was the author of more than 50 scientific papers on mosses. The genus Geheebia is named after him, as are species with the epithet of geheebii, an example being Brachythecium geheebii.
Mitú is the capital city of the department of Vaupés in Colombia. It is a small town located in South eastern Colombia in the Amazon Basin. Founded in 1936, Mitú lies next to the Vaupés River at 180 meters above sea level. It is where the core of the services (transport and trade) are provided to the Vaupés Department.
The Vaupés River serves as connecting link between Mitú and nearby hamlets on the riverbanks, but there are no roads connecting the town to rest of the country. Accessible only by airplane, Mitú is the most isolated Capital of Department in Colombia.
The founding of Mitú can be traced to the rivalry between Brazilians and Colombians exploiting rubber in the basins and ranges of the upper Guainía and Apaporis rivers. By 1903 there was an intense activity exploiting rubber in the area around the Vaupés river using the local Indians, of the ethnic groups tucano and carijonas, as slaves.
Mitú was erected as a modest hamlet in October 1936 by Miguel Cuervo Araoz. The town served as a meeting point between different indigenous communities, in addition of being a center of rubber tree exploitation, fur trade and missionary center. Its main activity was the rubber trade for food, clothing and fuel. After being for a time a township, in 1963 Mitú became the capital of the Vaupés Commissary (Comisaria). In 1974, it was made municipality and in 1991 it became the capital of the new created department.