In Norse mythology, Gefjon or Gefjun (with the alternate spelling Gefion) is a goddess associated with ploughing, the Danish island of Zealand, the legendary Swedish king Gylfi, the legendary Danish king Skjöldr, foreknowledge, and virginity. Gefjon is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; in the works of skalds; and appears as a gloss for various Greco-Roman goddesses in some Old Norse translations of Latin works.
The Prose Edda and Heimskringla both report that Gefjon plowed away what is now lake Mälaren, Sweden, and with this land formed the island of Zealand, Denmark. In addition, the Prose Edda describes that not only is Gefjon a virgin herself, but that all who die a virgin become her attendants. Heimskringla records that Gefjon married the legendary Danish king Skjöldr and that the two dwelled in Lejre, Denmark.
Scholars have proposed theories about the etymology the name of the goddess, connections to fertility and ploughing practices, the implications of the references made to her as a virgin, five potential mentions of the goddess in the Old English poem Beowulf, and potential connections between Gefjon and Grendel's Mother and/or the goddesses Freyja and Frigg.
Working on the site,
From Morning 'till night,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Then a pint with the boys,
In a bar full of noise,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Working all day,
For a pitence of pay,
Then blow it all on Saturday night,
And you kiss the dames,
But you don't ask their names,
That's livin' alright.
Working in the sun,
Drinking Schnapps having fun,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Then a night in the town,
Spreadin' it around,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Working all day,
For a packet of pay,
And send a little back to the wife,
Still you keep a little here,
Just to keep you in beer,
That's livin alright.
Yeah you play the game,
Then it's Auf Wiedersehen,
That's livin alright.
Telling the lie,
With a glint in your eye,
'Cause tommorrow you'll be back on the site,
And you kiss the dames,
But you don't ask their names,
That' livin alright.
Yeah you play the game,
Then it's Auf Wiedersehen,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
And you kiss the dames,
But you don't ask their names,
That's livin alright.
Working in the sun,
Drinking schnapps having fun,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Then a night in the town,
Spreadin' it around,
That's livin' alright,
That's livin' alright,
Working all day,
For a packet of pay,
And send a little back to the wife,
Still you keep a little here,
Just to keep you in beer,
Thats livin alright.
Yeah you play the game,
Then it's Auf Wiedersehen,
That's livin alright.
Telling the lie,
With a glint in your eye,
'Cause tommorrow you'll be back on the site,
And you kiss the dames,
But you don't ask their names,
That's livin alright.
Yeah you play the game,
Then it's auf wiedersehen,