A ha-ha is a recessed landscape design element that creates a vertical barrier while preserving an uninterrupted view of the landscape beyond.
The design includes a turfed incline which slopes downward to a sharply vertical face, typically a masonry retaining wall. Ha-has are used in landscape design to prevent access to a garden, for example by grazing livestock, without obstructing views. In security design, the element is used to deter vehicular access to a site while minimizing visual obstruction.
The name "ha-ha" derives from the unexpected (i.e., amusing) moment of discovery when, on approach, the vertical drop suddenly becomes visible.
Before mechanical lawn mowers, a common way to keep large areas of grassland trimmed was to allow livestock, usually sheep, to graze the grass. A ha-ha prevented grazing animals on large estates from gaining access to the lawn and gardens adjoining the house, giving a continuous vista to create the illusion that the garden and landscape were one and undivided. The ha-ha fit well with Chinese gardening ideas of concealing barriers with nature, but its European origins predate the European discovery of Chinese gardening.
Haha or ha ha is the sound of laughter.
Haha, ha ha , Ha Ha or Ha! Ha! may also refer to:
Ha Ha is the 9th studio album by Charged GBH released in 2002 on Go-Kart.
I Dont wear a tie dont ask me why i feel uncomfortable in one
and i wont wear a suit cause it might take root
and i end up towing one of your lines
You laugh at me because im different i laugh at you your all the same you'll find it really hard to laugh now with one of my bullets in your brain HA HA
I aint bothering you why you messing with me im just trying to do my own thing
You dont know my story who made you judge and jury stay with rules to which you cling
Free thinkers open minds the opposite of your kind you hate everyone to the core
You got a cruel vent savage amusement