Gazza minuta, commonly known as the toothpony, is a species of fish native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is found in salt and brackish waters.
Gazza may refer to:
Gazza is a neighborhood of Mecca in Makkah Province, in western Saudi Arabia.
Lazarus Shiimi, known by his stage name Gazza, is one of the most commercially successful and best selling recording artists in Namibia. Gazza was born on 10 March 1977 in Oshakati (North of Namibia) in a family of seven. At that time, he had to live in a shack behind someone's house after his father died. Despite those modest beginnings, he has always pursued the goals he had set for his life. Gazza has always loved challenges. As a soccer lover, he nicknamed himself Gazza after famous English soccer player Paul Gascoigne.
Since the entrance into the Namibian music scene, Gazza has worked his way up to become the most commercially successful artist in Namibia. He has also become a firm favourite in Namibian households with the young and old alike and has embarked on tours that have expose him to the rest of Africa and the world. He has been well accepted and is a firm favourite with Channel O, a DStv channel, where his work and life is regularly showcased.
His music can be defined as a mix of several influences namely Kwaito, Dancehall, Reggae, Hip Hop and his lyrics are about the township life. His sharp lyrics reflect the intricacies of Namibian life and strike a familiar chord with Namibians from all walks of life, young and old.
we sample from the shelves
tore a page out of this chapter
deface the essays in the book that you're reading
we are the leaches that stop the bleeding
deficit attention program
by any means necessary
blare sirens to the library
whisper instructions to the book-wormed glossary
is it heavier than air - tell us, is the black box lying?
aeronautics hacked
the spine of paragraphs
prepare to indent, a coma that read-
floating in a soundproof costume
here comes the monolith
brass knuckles for the hissie fit
an abbreviation for the landing of fleets
position the stitches - like miles of torpedoes
permission was hinted
lungs that hollered in a sleeper hold