The Gattilusi (singular Gattilusio) were a powerful Genoese family who controlled a number of possessions in the northern Aegean from 1355 until the mid 15th century. Anthony Luttrell has pointed out that this family had developed close connections to the Byzantine ruling house of the Palaiologos—"four successive generations of Gattilusio married into the Palaiologos family, two to emperors' daughters, one to an emperor, and one to a despot who later became an emperor"—which could explain their repeated involvement in Byzantine affairs.
The Gattilusi family was founded by two brothers, Francesco and Niccolò Gattilusi, who were the nephew of Oberto Gattilusi. The name of their father is not known, although based on the heraldic evidence of their inscriptions, Anthony Luttrell argues that their mother was a member of the Doria family. Francesco gained the favor of Byzantine Emperor John V Palaiologos by helping him oust a rival to the throne, John VI Kantakouzenos, in 1354. As reward, Gattilusio was given lordship of the island of Lesbos (and its stronghold, Mytilene) from July 1355, as well as the hand in marriage of the emperor's sister, Maria. The Gattilusi possessions grew to include, among others, the islands of Imbros, Samothrace, Lemnos and Thasos, and the mainland city of Aenos (modern Enez in Turkey). From this position, they were heavily involved in the mining and marketing of alum, useful in textile production and a profitable trade controlled by the Genoese.
Seems like the end is coming
Seems like the signs are lining up
As far as I can see
We're closer now than ever
This pain won't last forever
Love love is on His way
So stand up the time is now to lift up your head
Raise your hands if you're with me
Raise your hands if your ready
Say hey! hey! I'm not afraid
Hey! hey! hey! If it ends today
There's hope on our horizon
Let it be the sound that's rising up
It's rising up
We could be the generation
To shout out to every nation
Love love is on His way
Get ready, are you ready? (I'm ready!) get ready
Raise your hands if you're with me
Raise your hands come on and say
Hey! hey! I'm not afraid