A garrote or garrote vil (a Spanish word; alternative spellings include garotte and garrotte) is a weapon, most often referring to a handheld ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle a person.
A garrote can be made out of many different materials, including ropes, cable ties, fishing lines, nylon, guitar strings, telephone cord or piano wire.
A stick may be used to tighten the garrote; the Spanish word actually refers to the stick itself, so it is a pars pro toto where the eponymous component may actually be absent. In Spanish, the term may also refer to a rope and stick used to constrict a limb as a torture device.
Since World War II, the garrote has been regularly employed as a weapon by soldiers as a silent means of eliminating sentries and other enemy personnel. Instruction in the use of purpose-built and improvised garrottes is included in the training of many elite military units and special forces. A typical military garrote consists of two wooden handles attached to a length of flexible wire; the wire is looped over a sentry's head and pulled taut in one motion. Soldiers of the French Foreign Legion have used a particular type of double-loop garrote (referred to as la loupe), where a double coil of rope or cord is dropped around a victim's neck and then pulled taut. Even if the victim pulls on one of the coils, he only succeeds in tightening the other.
Yeah..... Alright
First let me say I've never loved no one
the way that I love you girl
but I hate to say
I've tried and I'm almost done
with all this me and you girl
So why can't I leave when I know you and me
probably going be fighting again
then we going be right here again
I'm Trying not to look cuz thats all it took
the last three times
so you see that's why
I'm trying to make it out the door before she start to Cry
I'm hearing tears hit the floor I think she starting to Cry
I almost made it I said what I had to say
and she knows I hate it cuz it makes me want to stay
When she Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry
I made up my mind but then she started to cry
God make it rain, rain drops would hide her tears
please help me
don't let it start 'til I'm somewhere far from here
please help me
ooh I want it over
but it aint over
she's getting closer
now she's on my shoulder
she's doing it again
I don't know if it's ever gonna end
don't want to go back where we've been
And that's why
1 tear I still got my bags backed
2 tears I'm walking but I'm looking back
3 tears she know she going to win
before they hit the floor I'm doing it again
5 I'm turning back around
6,9,12 now I'm losing count
Back in the house, back on the couch
thought we was breaking up but now we working it out