Garo may refer to:
Garo, a common Armenian first name, shortened version of Karapet (Eastern Armenian) / Garabed (Western Armenian). For Eastern Armenian variant of Garo, namely Karo, refer to Karo (disambiguation)#Persons
The Garos are indigenous people in Meghalaya, India and neighboring areas of Bangladesh like Mymensingh, Netrokona and Sylhet, who call themselves A·chik Mande (literally "hill people," from a·chik "bite soil"+ mande "people") or simply A·chik or Mande. They are the second-largest tribe in Meghalaya after the Khasi and comprise about a third of the local population. The Garos are one of the few remaining matrilineal societies in the world.
Garos are mainly Christians, although there are some rural pockets where the traditional animist religion and traditions are still followed. The book, The Garo Tribal Religion: Beliefs And Practices tries to interpret and expound upon the origin and migration of the Garos consisting of different tribal groups who settled in Garo hills, their ancient animistic religious beliefs and practices, numerous deities, which control their life and must be appeased with rituals, ceremonies and animal sacrifices to ensure welfare of the tribe. The Garo tribal religion is popularly known as Songsarek.The Garo people refer to their traditions as "Dakbewal" relating to their most prominent cultural activities.
Garo was a '70s threepiece acoustic Japanese Rock group. The band was composed of Mark Horiuchi (1949-2014), Tommy Hidaka (1950-1986) and Masumi "Vocal" Ohno (b. 1949). They recorded with Columbia and had a few chart hits, including no. 1 "Gakuseigai-no-Kissaten" in 1973. Subsequent singles also reached the top of the Japanese Oricon chart.
Garo formed in 1970 and was the first Japanese acoustic rock band to enter the Japanese charts. Their harmony vocals and acoustic guitar playing, which were heavily influenced by the style of Crosby Stills Nash and Young, became a phenomenon in Japan 1973/74.
Musical differences broke up the band in December 1975. A retrospective 11 CD/DVD box set of the band entitled "GARO BOX" (NO.JP0604-01) was released from Sony Music Entertainment Japan on 30 November 2006.
Vile forms of Necros lie rotting my mind
Feasting like maggots - maggots in flesh
So left your ruined cortex behind
Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine!
Maggots! Maggots!
Maggots are falling like rain!
Putrid pus-pools vomit blubonic plague
The bowels of the beast reek of puke
How to describe such vileness on the page
World maggot waits for the end of the age!
Beneath a sky of maggots I walked
Until those maggots began to fall
I gaped at God to receive my gift
Bathed in maggots till the planet shit
[Repeat chorus a lot]