Ganymede is an American electropop band that has released four albums since May 2000. These include After the Fall, Euromantique, Space and Time, and Operation Ganymede, the latter of which was released in August 2008. The act's most-recognized songs, "Neon Rain" and "Hong Kong," earned club play in the electropop/goth/electroclash scene.
Band members Patrick Runkle and David Friede have also produced a series of covers for Cleopatra Records and others, appearing alongside Dead or Alive and Sigue Sigue Sputnik. Ganymede was the first band to be released on the major independent electropop label Ninthwave Records, and now releases on Cohaagen Music. The band plays vintage analog keyboards and drum machines to create a "classic" electro sound.
+/-, or Plus/Minus, is an American indietronic band formed in 2001. The band makes use of both electronic and traditional instruments, and has sought to use electronics to recreate traditional indie rock song forms and instrumental structures. The group has released two albums on each of the American indie labels Teenbeat Records and Absolutely Kosher, and their track "All I do" was prominently featured in the soundtrack for the major film Wicker Park. The group has developed a devoted following in Japan and Taiwan, and has toured there frequently. Although many artists append bonus tracks onto the end of Japanese album releases to discourage purchasers from buying cheaper US import versions, the overseas versions of +/- albums are usually quite different from the US versions - tracklists can be rearranged, artwork with noticeable changes is used, and tracks from the US version can be replaced as well as augmented by bonus tracks.
Band or BAND may refer to:
Bandō may refer to:
In Greek mythology, Ganymede (/ˈɡænɪˌmiːd/;/ˈɡænɪˌmid/;Greek: Γανυμήδης, Ganymēdēs) is a divine hero whose homeland was Troy. He was the son of Tros of Dardania, from whose name "Troy" was supposed to derive, and of Callirrhoe. His brothers were Ilus and Assaracus. In one version of the myth, he is abducted by Zeus, in the form of an eagle, to serve as cup-bearer in Olympus. Homer describes Ganymede as the most beautiful of mortals:
The myth was a model for the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the socially acceptable erotic relationship between a man and a youth. The Latin form of the name was Catamitus (and also "Ganymedes"), from which the English word "catamite" derives.
Ganymede was abducted by Zeus from Mount Ida, near Troy in Phrygia. Ganymede had been tending sheep, a rustic or humble pursuit characteristic of a hero's boyhood before his privileged status is revealed. Zeus either summoned an eagle or turned into an eagle himself to transport the youth to Mount Olympus.
Ganymede is an open source network directory management framework, designed to allow administrator teams to collaboratively manage subsets of an organization's network directory services, such as NIS, DNS, Active Directory / LDAP, DHCP, and RADIUS, among others. First announced and released at the 1998 USENIX LISA conference, Ganymede has been under public development and use since then.
Ganymede uses a central server which supports clients connecting via Java RMI. The Ganymede server maintains a transactional object graph database of network information such as user objects, group objects, system objects, network objects, etc. Users and administrators run Ganymede clients (GUI or XML based) to create, modify, or delete objects in the database. Whenever a user commits a transaction, the Ganymede server schedules a number of background threads to write out updated network source files and run whatever system scripts are required to propagate the new data into the managed network directory services. If multiple users are working concurrently, the scheduler makes sure that the entire network environment is updated with transactionally consistent directory images as builds finish and new ones are issued.