This article is about Gamaliel II. For other individuals and uses see Gamaliel (disambiguation)
Alleged tomb of Rabban Gamliel in Yavneh. Until 1948 this 1293 C.E. Mamluk tomb was only known as the Mausoleum of Abu Huraira[1]
Another view of the tomb in Yavneh

Rabban Gamaliel II (also spelled Gamliel, Hebrew: רבן גמליאל דיבנה‎) was the first person to lead the Sanhedrin as Nasi after the fall of the second temple, which occurred in 70 CE. Gamliel was appointed nasi approximately 10 years later. Gamaliel II was the son of Shimon ben Gamaliel, one of Jerusalem's foremost men in the war against the Romans,[2] and grandson of Gamaliel I. To distinguish him from the latter he is also called Gamliel of Yavne.


Leadership skills [link]

In Yavne, during the siege of Jerusalem, the scribes of the school of Hillel had taken refuge by permission of Vespasian, a new centre of Judaism arose under the leadership of the aged Johanan ben Zakkai, a school whose members inherited the authority of the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem. Gamaliel II became Johanan ben Zakkai's successor, and rendered immense service in the strengthening and reintegration of Judaism, which had been deprived of its former basis by the destruction of the Second Temple and by the entire loss of its political autonomy. He put an end to the division which had arisen between the spiritual leaders of Judaism by the separation of the scribes into the two schools called respectively after Hillel and Shammai, and took care to enforce his own authority as the president of the chief legal assembly of Judaism with energy and often with severity. He did this, as he himself said, not for his own honor nor for that of his family, but in order that disunion should not prevail in Israel.

Gamaliel's position was recognized by the Roman government also. Towards the end of Domitian's reign (circa 95 CE) he went to Rome in company with the most prominent members of the school of Javneh, in order to avert a danger threatening the Jews from the action of the emperor. Many interesting particulars have been given regarding the journey of these learned men to Rome and their sojourn there. The impression made by the capital of the world upon Gamaliel and his companions was an overpowering one, and they wept when they thought of Jerusalem in ruins. In Rome, as at home, Gamaliel often had occasion to defend Judaism in polemical discussions with pagans, and also with professed Christians. In an anecdote regarding a suit which Gamaliel was prosecuting before a Christian judge, a converted Jew, an appeal to the Gospel and to the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17 is made, with one possible reading of the story indicating that it was Gamaliel making this reference.[3]

Rabbinical Eras

Opinions [link]

Rabbi Gamaliel II directed Simeon ha-Pakoli to edit the Amidah and make it a duty, incumbent on every one, to recite the prayer three times daily. Also, he directed Samuel ha-Katan to write another paragraph against informers and heretics.[4]

He was on friendly terms with many who were not Jews, and was so warmly devoted to his slave Tavi that when the latter died he mourned for him as for a beloved member of his own family.

He loved discussing the sense of single portions of the Bible with other scholars, and made many fine expositions of the text. With the words of Deuteronomy 13:18 he associated the lesson: "So long as thou thyself art merciful, God will also be merciful to thee." Gamaliel died before the insurrections under Trajan had brought fresh unrest into Israel. At his funeral obsequies the celebrated proselyte Aquila (Akylas Onkelos), reviving an ancient custom, burned costly materials to the value of seventy minae. Gamaliel himself had given directions that his body was to be wrapped in the simplest possible shroud. By this he wished to check the extravagance which had become associated with arrangements for the disposal of the dead, and his end was attained; his example became the rule, and it also became the custom to commemorate him in the words of consolation addressed to the mourners.[5] Gamaliel's son, Simon, long after his father's death, and after the persecutions under Hadrian, inherited his office, which thenceforward his descendants handed on from father to son.

Rabbi Gamaliel’s overriding philosophy was: "Whoever has mercy on other people, Heaven will have mercy upon him; whoever does not have mercy on other people, Heaven will not have mercy upon him."[6]

Controversy [link]

Gamaliel was a controversial leader. He excommunicated his own brother-in-law, Eliezer ben Hyrcanus. In a dispute about fixing the calendar, Rabban Gamaliel humiliated Rabbi Joshua ben Hananiah and this led to a rabbinic revolt against Gamaliel's leadership of the sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin installed Eleazar Ben Azariah as the new Nasi, but then defined his role as Av Bet Din, effectively as a coregent, while restoring Gamaliel.[citation needed]

References [link]

  1. ^ Mausoleum of Abu Huraira
  2. ^ Josephus, Bellum Judaicum iv. 3, 9, Vita 38
  3. ^ Sabb. 116 a, b
  4. ^ Talmud Balvi, Megilah 17b, Berachos 28b
  5. ^ Ketub. 8 ii
  6. ^ Sabb. 151b

External links [link]

Preceded by
Shimon ben Gamliel
80 (Est.) - 118 (Est.)
Succeeded by
Shimon ben Gamliel II
  Rabbis of the Mishnah : Chronology & Hierarchy
Gamaliel the Elder
Johanan b. Zakai
Simeon b. Gamaliel
Jose the Galilean
Eliezer b. Hyrcanus
Joshua b. Hananiah
Eleazar b. Arach
Eleazar b. Azariah
R. Gamaliel
Elisha b. Abuyah
Ishmael b. Elisha
Simeon b. Gamaliel II
Judah b. Ilai
Jose b. Halafta
Shimon b. Yohai
Eleazar ben Shammua
Judah the Prince

 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainChisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.


Gamaliel the Elder (/ɡəˈmljəl/; also spelled Gamliel; Hebrew: רבן גמליאל הזקן; Greek: Γαμαλιὴλ ὁ Πρεσβύτερος) or Rabban Gamaliel I, was a leading authority in the Sanhedrin in the early 1st century CE. He was the son of Simeon ben Hillel, and grandson of the great Jewish teacher Hillel the Elder, and died twenty years before the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (70 CE). He fathered a son, whom he called Simeon, after his father, and a daughter, who married a priest named Simon ben Nathanael. In Christian tradition, he is said to have converted to Christianity and is venerated as a Saint along with his second son, Abibo (also Abibas, Abibus). Jewish sources do not record a conversion to Christianity.

In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is recognized as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law. The Acts of the Apostles chapter 5 speaks of Gamaliel as a man of great honor by all Jews who spoke to not condemn the apostles of Jesus in Acts 5:34, to death and the Jewish law teacher of Paul the Apostle in Acts 22:3.

Gamaliel (disambiguation)

Gamaliel, also spelled Gamliel and Gamiliel, is the Greek form of the Hebrew name meaning "God is my reward/recompense" indicating the loss of one or more earlier children in the family. A number of influential individuals have had the name:

Hebrew Bible

  • The Hebrew Bible refers to Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur, the leader of the tribe of Manasseh during the census of the Israelites in the Sinai desert (Book of Numbers 1:10;2:20;7:54,59;10:23).
  • New Testament

  • Gamaliel, also called Gamaliel I or Gamaliel the Elder was a first-century authority on Jewish law who appears in the Acts of the Apostles.
  • Other Rabbinical authorities

  • Gamliel II, also known as Gamliel of Jabneh
  • Gamliel III, son of Judah haNasi the redactor of the Mishna, and his successor as Nasi (patriarch)
  • Gamliel IV, grandson of Gamliel III, patriarch in the latter half of the 3rd century
  • Gamliel V, son and successor of the patriarch Hillel II
  • Gamliel VI, grandson of Gamliel V, the last of the patriarchs, died in 425
  • Gamaliel (Qliphah)

    Gamaliel is the Qliphah associated with the Sephirah Yesod on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It translates as 'The Obscene Ones'.


    Yesod is the Sephirah that collects all the energy from the Sephiroth above it, stores these archetypal ideas in the unconscious, and expresses them in their correct time. It is associated with the sexual organs, and unconscious sexual desire. It can be seen that without the correct expression of the images stored in Yesod, either through physical expression in Malkuth, or by transcending them in Tiphereth, an unhealthy sexual repression exists. The unconscious imagery in Yesod therefore becomes more and more perverse, eventually becoming Gamaliel, the obscene.

    See also

  • Gamaliel (disambiguation)

  • Podcasts:
