6 ...SCI. “The system actually encourages corruption, because if you’re caught, nothing happens,” he said ... 6 ... “I don’t have a reason, except I assume that people don’t want to be investigated,” City Councilwoman GaleBrewer told The Post.
They’ve drunk the decarceration Kool-Aid — convinced that jails do more harm than good. But the facts, and pure common sense, prove them wrong ... Woke NYC Councilwoman GaleBrewer wants pricey ‘farm-to-table’ meals for Rikers inmates ... 15,000).
LeftyUpper West Side Councilwoman GaleBrewer is pushing the city to feed jailbirds “farm-to-table” meals, like ones served up at some of the Big Apple’s top Michelin-starred restaurants.
City CouncilMemberGaleBrewer (D-Manhattan), a long-time public official, said Speaker Adams has "superb management skills" and governs "fairly and equitably." ... our communities need," Brewer said.