Galaxy Bubbles is a chocolate bar made by Mars similar to a CadburysWispa or Nestlé Aero and was introduced in early 2010. The chocolate is like an ordinary Galaxy which has been aerated. Mars now produce orange versions of this current chocolate sensation.
The standard version sold in stores is lighter compared to its competitors, at 31g (1.1oz) and consequently has a lower energy content, at 169kcal (710kJ), compared to the Wispa's 39g (1.4oz) and 210kcal (880kJ) or the Aero's 46g (1.6oz) and 220kcal (920kJ).
A photograph of the topside of a large Galaxy Bubbles bar.
A photograph of the topside of a large Galaxy Bubbles bar.
A photograph of the golden inner wrapper of a large Galaxy Bubbles bar.
A photograph of the golden inner wrapper of a large Galaxy Bubbles bar.
Galaxy Bubbles bar, split length wise, to give a view of what's inside.
Galaxy Bubbles bar, split length wise, to give a view of what's inside.
Collection of broken pieces of a Galaxy Bubbles, giving a good view into what it looks like inside.
In this web, there are concentrations of galaxies with voids of space in between, as if the galaxies were sitting on vast empty bubbles ...Euclid eventually is expected to obtain images of more than 1.5 billion galaxies.
The Milky Way galaxy we live in, like other galaxies in the universe, has bubble-like structures formed mainly during the birth and activity of high-mass stars. These so-called Spitzer bubbles hold ...
Who is Scopely? ...Dice with Buddies, Jewels with Buddies, and BubbleGalaxy with Buddies, three titles that draw heavy inspiration from Yahtzee, Bejeweled, and Puzzle Bobble, respectively ... Some of that growth has been accomplished through acquisitions.