Gaddi is both a surname and a given name. Notable people with the name include:
Given name:
The Gaddis are a tribe living mainly in the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. They are Hindus and belong to several castes including Brahmin, Rajput, Dhangar, Khatri, Rana and Thakur.
Elderly Gaddi man at Dharamkot, Himachal Pradesh, 2004.
Elderly Gaddi man at Dharamkot, Himachal Pradesh, 2004.
Gaddi man photographed near Dharamkote in 2004.
Gaddi man photographed near Dharamkote in 2004.
Gaddi is a breed of domesticated sheep found in India. They are one of eight different breeds of sheep found in the northern temperate area of India. The Gaddi is raised primarily for its wool.
The Gaddi ram is horned while the ewes are found horned only 10 - 15% of the time. The tail is small and thin. The breed is considered medium sized. The Gaddi ewe averages 56 cm at the withers and weighs on average 26.5 kg. Lambs at birth weigh 2.5 kg and there is no difference in average birth weight between rams or ewes. This breed is small in size. It is strong and a good climber. Ears are also short. Fleece is fine and can grow up to 5m length. Fleece is clip three times a year (Feb, June and October). Fleece yield is 1-1.5kg/year. Wool is used for making shawls and blankets.
Generally, the breed is uncolored and white. Occasionally, the Gaddi can be found mixed tan, brown and black.
This list contains persons named in the Bible of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.
In Jeremiah 36:26, Abdeel (Ab'dēel) (Hebrew עַבְדְּאֵל "servant of God"; akin to Arabic Abdullah), father of Shelemiah, one of three men that were commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch. The Septuagint omits his name.
The name Abdi (Hebrew עַבְדִּי) is probably an abbreviation of Obediah, meaning "servant of YHWH", according to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Easton's Bible Encyclopedia, on the other hand, holds that it means "my servant". The name "Abdi" appears three times in the Bible.