Gacería is the name of a slang or argot employed by the trilleros (or makers of the trillo, or threshing-board, as well as threshing-sledge) and the briqueros (or makers of brica: metathesis of Spanish word criba sieve) in the village of Cantalejo, in the Spanish province of Segovia. Gacería incorporated Galician, French, Basque and Arabic words into its vocabulary, a linguistic practice employed by other traveling professional groups of Castile. Users of Gacería also incorporated words from Caló (Spanish Romani), Germanic languages and Catalan-Valencian.
These trade routes did not usually extend into the Basque Country or Valencia, but words from these foreign lexicons were incorporated for their foreignness.
Its vocabulary arose amongst those involved in the industry of manufacturing farm implements in the village (yokes, wagons, footstools; and the threshing-board, a wooden tool resembling a sledge, with his bottom-side holding many lithic flakes that cuts the pile of cereal crop, in order to separate the grain of the rest of the plant: threshing). The argot was thus used by the itinerant salesmen of these products, in opposition to settled villagers. In the face of mechanized agriculture, Gacería has survived amongst those who still sell such ancient farm implements as collectors' items.