GW-BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Microsoft from BASICA, originally for Compaq. It is otherwise identical to Microsoft/IBM BASICA, but is a fully self-contained executable and does not need the ROM BASIC. It was bundled with MS-DOS operating systems on IBM PC compatibles by Microsoft. Microsoft also sold a BASIC compiler, BASCOM, compatible with GW-BASIC, for programs needing more speed. The language is suitable for simple games, business programs and the like. Since it was included with most versions of MS-DOS, it was also a low cost way for many would-be programmers to learn the fundamentals of computer programming. With the release of MS-DOS 5.0, GW-BASIC's place was eventually taken by QBasic, the interpreter part of the separately available QuickBASIC compiler.
IBM BASICA and GW-BASIC are direct ports of Microsoft's BASIC-80 (also known as MBASIC) designed for 8080/Z80 machines, but added features specifically for the IBM PC hardware. Common features of BASIC-80 and BASICA/GW-BASIC include:
One night of violent love.
Tonight I relived the one, your self esteem is fucked up.
Today I, stabbed your eye.
You've never seen so clearly, now go paint me a picture.
Rely on your imagination.
Your past attempts look so pathetic.
The twilight, your soft sigh, I'm taking over.
Dance with me tonight.
You're running out of time.
Dance with me tonight.
One piece of the pie
I've poisoned with a soft touch.
Ity's time for you to eat up.
Or may I watch you die?
A death fit for a movie.
I wrote it with compassion.
Comply with an oil driven nation.