G protein-coupled receptor 32, also known as GPR32 or the RvD1 receptor, is a human gene belonging to the rhodopsin-like subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. GPR32 is most closely related to the chemotaxic formyl peptide receptors.
At least 5 members of the D series of resolvins (RvDs) viz., RvD1, AT-RVD1, RvD3, AT-RvD3, and RvD5, activate their target cells through this receptor; these results have lead to naming GPR32 the RVD1 receptor (see Resolvin#Mechanisms of Action). RvDs are metabolites of the omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid, that are implicated as contributing to the inhibition and resolution of a diverse range of inflammation and inflammation-related responses as well as in the healing of healing of these inflammatory lesions in animals and humans (see Resolvin).
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