GPR113 is a gene that encodes the Probable G-protein coupled receptor 113 protein.
The Homo sapiens GPR113 gene is located on chromosome 2 (2p23.3). This gene spans the length of a 38.65kb region from base 26531041 to 26569685 on the negative strand. The GPR113 gene has two neighbors on either side on the negative strand: OTOF otoferlin preceding and HADHA hydroxyacyl-CoA following. Directly opposite the GPR113 on the positive strand is the EPT1 gene.
The GPR113 gene is also known by the aliases PGR23 and HGPCR37.
Homology & Evolution
The GPR113 has 5 human paralogs GPR110, GPR115, GPR128, GPR111, and GPR116. GPR113 is well conserved in mammals from primates to semi-aquatic species, as well as some amphibians. These include the Common Chimpanzee, the African Bush Elephant, the Platypus, and the Western Clawed Frog. Homologous domains that are well conserved throughout orthologs center in the 7 transmembrane receptor (Secretin family) region highlighted in purple in the figure.