GLONASS (Russian: ГЛОНАСС, IPA: [ɡlɐˈnas]; Глобальная навигационная спутниковая система; transliteration Globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema), or "GLObal NAvigation Satellite System", is a space-based satellite navigation system operating in the radionavigation-satellite service and used by the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. It provides an alternative to GPS and is the second alternative navigational system in operation with global coverage and of comparable precision.
Manufacturers of GPS devices say that adding GLONASS made more satellites available to them, meaning positions can be fixed more quickly and accurately, especially in built-up areas where the view to some GPS satellites is obscured by buildings. Smartphones generally tend to use the same chipsets and since the versions used since 2015 receive GLONASS signals, smartphones using such chips receive GLONASS positioning information along with GPS. Since 2012, GLONASS was the second most used positioning system in mobile phones after GPS. The system has the advantage that smartphone users receive a more accurate reception of up to 2 meters.
GLONASS-M (Russian: ГЛОНАСС-М), also known as Uragan-M (Russian: Ураган-М) (GRAU Index 11F654M and manufacturing code 14F113) are the second generation of Uragan satellite design used as part of the Russian GLONASS radio-based satellite navigation system. Developed by Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems, it had its debut launch in 2003, and is in the process of being phased out. Its production is expected to finish in 2015 and as of July, 2015, its last launch is expected in late 2017. It is an evolution of the previous Uragan (GRAU Index 11F654) second-generation satellites, improving accuracy, increasing power, extending the design life and adding the FDMA L2OF open signal.
It used a 3-axis stabilized pressurized bus with two solar panels, a propulsion module and a payload module. At 1,415 kg (3,120 lb) these are just 2 kg (4.4 lb) heavier than the previous generation, but have 25% more power 1250 W, 230% more design life (7 years), an additional signal (L2OF) and generally improved accuracy. It uses an on-board computer based on a Russian microprocessor using the VAX 11/750 instruction set (the Angstrem K1839 (Russian Wikipedia)).
From addiction to the memory
Of the things you've left undone.
The sorrow seems to last forever.
(so I had what I deserved)
What I deserve, what I deserve
Look in time or watch it die
And die and I
Should I slide away or stay awake (stay awake)
For today (today), for yesterday (for all my wrongs)
For what it takes (I will wait)
Just once around the sun (the sun)
I'm stuck two inches closer
To find myself
Too far to clash and too much void
To lay out in light both the shades
To sign my passage
To say a word
And she says
"Today I'm leaving without you".
A detachment I can't accept
So shine with confidence
The right is yours and I don't have
Time to complain, voice to explain so..
There's a truth that is whispered
I hold it back to go on to
A place where you were seen doing it
This is my light
I'll burst tonight