Zinc finger protein GLI3 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the GLI3 gene.
This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the C2H2-type zinc finger proteins subclass of the Gli family. They are characterized as DNA-binding transcription factors and are mediators of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. The protein encoded by this gene localizes in the cytoplasm and activates patched Drosophila homolog (PTCH1) gene expression. It is also thought to play a role during embryogenesis.
Gli3 is a known transcriptional repressor but may also have a positive transcriptional function. Gli3 represses dHand and Gremlin, which are involved in developing digits. There is evidence that Shh-controlled processing (e.g., cleavage) regulates transcriptional activity of Gli3 similarly to that of CI. Gli3 mutant mice have many abnormalities including CNS and lung defects and limb polydactyly.
Mutations in this gene have been associated with several diseases, including Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome, Pallister-Hall syndrome, preaxial polydactyly type IV, and postaxial polydactyly types A1 and B.
I just hung up the phone
I was talking to you
We said good bye
I sat down and cry
Coz' I remembered the things
That we've done
When we were sitting together
And our love has begun
For more and more
I want to go back in time
I'll always love you
I hope you know
But on and on
I need to wait
7 1/2 years that was our pact
7 1/2 years there is no turning back
7 1/2 years till I get to see you again
I am looking at the pictures
Of me and you
Both of us were smiling
For this damn photo-shoot
That was the day when it all began
But all I want to now
Is to see you again
For more and more
I want to go back in time
I'll always love you
I hope you know
But on and on
I need to wait