G.E.L.F. or GELF is an acronym for Genetically Engineered LifeForm. It was used in two science fiction television programs, originally appearing in the BBC's cult sitcom Red Dwarf, and later on in the U.S. drama seaQuest DSV.
The concept of GELFs is explored in several episodes of Red Dwarf including "Polymorph", "Camille", "Psirens", and "Emohawk". The writers of the series had stated early on in production that they did not want any aliens to exist in their show's universe; but as the series continued, in order to provide a stream of characters for the main crew to interact with, their cosmos was gradually populated with deranged robots and bizarre creatures that turned out to be the result of genetic engineering.
The Kinitawowi are bulky humanoids about six feet high covered in warts and shaggy dull orange/copper/brown fur similar to that of an orangutan. Kryten states some GELFs (though he does not detail whether this is a feature unique to the Kinitawowi) have their sphincteral orifice in their face, and as such touching of the face can be considered highly offensive to them. Their bodies are extremely tough; a direct blast of plasma from a bazookoid merely stunned a Kinitawowi at close range.
Your morning smile of torture
Holds me in its grip
You trace the taste of yesterday
The bruise upon my lip
You touch my eyes and hypnotize
And slip inside my heart
I wait for this forever
But we always fall apart
You want to hold me closer
And secretly entice
You take the size of shadowed men
And punish me with kisses every night
This espionage is sweeter now
Now that we're alone
But I meet your eyes and then despise
All we call our own
I write my name in lipstick
On the mirror as I leave
To stay would be too dangerous
To break the make-believe
You want to hold me closer
And secretly entice
You take the size of shadowed men