Futura 2000

Futura formerly known as "Futura 2000" is an American graffiti artist. He started to paint illegally on New York's subway in the early seventies, working with other artists such as ALI. In the early eighties he showed with Patti Astor at the Fun Gallery, along with Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Richard Hambleton and Kenny Scharf. Futura painted backdrops live on-stage for British punk rock band The Clash's 1981 European tour. More recently, he is a successful graphic designer and gallery artist. One of the most distinctive features of Futura's work is his abstract approach to graffiti art. While the primary focus, during the 1980s, of the majority of graffiti artists was lettering, Futura pioneered abstract street art, which has since become more popular. Conversely, his aerosol strokes are regarded as different from those of his peers, as they are as thin as the fine lines achieved only through the use of an airbrush.

While he is primarily known as a graffiti artist, much of his work is as an illustrator and graphic designer of record sleeves, first becoming involved with The Clash; producing a sleeve for their "This Is Radio Clash" 7" single and handwriting the sleeve notes and lyrics sheet for their album Combat Rock. He also toured extensively with The Clash during the Combat Rock tours, "performing" with them on stage by spray painting backdrops whilst the band performed.


Futura 2000




Storm of Stress

by: Vader

Originally performed by Terrorizer
Can't escape all your worries
Endless sorrow, pain and suffer
Can't escape your emotions
Enslavement be the world you choose
You work so hard, all for nothing
Your dreams are shattered
Your goals destroyed
No-one listens to what we stand for
So why even try do you really care
The struggle continues as the cries of pain
Peace can no longer rest in your mind
The world you choose is fucked already
