The title Academician denotes a Full Member of an art, literary, or scientific academy. In many countries, it is an honorary title. However, in some other systems, like Academy of Sciences of USSR, it gave very real privileges and administrative responsibilities for funding allocation and research priorities.
Corresponding Member
A related title also exists in some countries — a Corresponding Member (French: membre correspondant; Russian: член-корреспондент "chlen-korrespondent") is a person who is eminent in respect of scientific discoveries and attainments but is not normally resident in the country where the academy is located. Because they are unable to read their communications in person, they have to use "correspondence". For example, Corresponding Members of the Australian Academy of Science who reside outside of Australia include: Sir David Attenborough (United Kingdom), Rolf M. Zinkernagel (Switzerland), Elizabeth Blackburn (USA) and Gunnar Öquist (Switzerland).