Fuerte Olimpo is a city in Paraguay. It is the capital of the department of Alto Paraguay. Capital of Alto Paraguay Region, far from Asunción 838 km, located on Paraguay River, originally called Fuerte Borbón. The city is also known as “la puerta de entrada al Pantanal”, entrance to Pantanal. Fuerte Olimpo is on east of Chaco Boreal on east shore of Paraguay River near the mouth of Blanco River, to the north the moist ground called humedales from the Gran Pantanal. Fuerte Olimpo is far away from the flood area. The city is surrounded by a wall 4 km long.
This plain is almost 300 metres above the sea level. Soil is good for farming and cattle raising. Laguna Capitán is a lagoon in Fuerte Olimpo. Fuerte Olimpo is between two hills, in one is Fuerte Bordón and in the other one is Maria Auxiliadora Cathedral. The hill 3 hermanos are elevations of the region, on top of the middle cerro palms of karanday can be seen and also the moist ground of the Pantanal Nabileque and Sierra de Bordón in Brazil.