The Sanxing (三星 "Three Stars"), who are Fu, Lu, and Shou (simplified Chinese: 福禄寿; traditional Chinese: 福祿壽; pinyin: Fú Lù Shòu), or Cai, Zi and Shou (財子壽), are the personified ideas of Prosperity (Fu), Status (Lu), and Longevity (Shou) in the Chinese traditional religion. This representation is thought to date back to the Ming Dynasty, when the Fu star, Lu star and Shou star were considered to be concrete manifestations of these three divinities.
The term is commonly used in Chinese culture to denote the three attributes of a good life. Statues of these three gods are found on the facades of folk religion's temples and ancestral shrines, in nearly every Chinese home and many Chinese-owned shops on small altars with a glass of water, an orange or other auspicious offerings, especially during Chinese New Year. Traditionally, they are arranged right to left (so Shou is on the left of the viewer, Lu in the middle, and Fu on the far right), just as Chinese characters are traditionally written from right to left.
These last few weeks have been so perfect for me
But maybe it's never been enough for you
Maybe it's me
Maybe it's me that's not enough
Or maybe youve simply had enough of me and you
I don't know what to do
You go out and have your fun
And I stay home and do whatever
I know we'll never change no
We'll be this way forever
We just can't be together
This is it
I swear to god
We can't do this much longer
I lose my patience
You lose your temper
We both lose something that we hold dear
Now were left with a few good memories
And puzzle pieces of ourselves
Now it's time to go our own ways
Another story for us to tell
Another story for us to tell
So now I'm alone in my room
Staring at these photographs of you
How could we fade so far away
From where we were the other day
You looked happy
But maybe you don't want happiness
You're leaving me so frustrated
I get so confused
I don't know what to do
You go out and have your fun
And I stay home and do whatever
I know we'll never change no
We'll be this way forever
We just can't be together
This is it
I swear to god
We can't do this much longer
I lose my patience
You lose your temper
We both lose something that we hold dear
Now were left with a few good memories
And puzzle pieces of ourselves
The time has come to go our own ways
Another story for us to tell