Frumenty (sometimes frumentee, furmity, fromity, or fermenty) was a popular dish in Western European medieval cuisine. It was made primarily from boiled, cracked wheat—hence its name, which derives from the Latin word frumentum, "grain". Different recipes added milk, eggs or broth. Other recipes include almonds, currants, sugar, saffron and orange flower water. Frumenty was served with meat as a pottage, traditionally with venison or occasionally porpoise (considered a "fish" and therefore appropriate for Lent). It was also frequently used as a subtlety.
For several centuries, frumenty was part of the traditional Celtic Christmas meal. In England it was often eaten on Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent. On that day many servants were allowed to visit their mothers and were often served frumenty to celebrate and give them a wholesome meal to prepare them for their return journey. The use of eggs would have been a brief respite from the Lenten fast. In Lincolnshire, frumenty was associated with sheep-shearing in June. A diarist recalled of his youth in the 1820s that "almost every farmer in the village made a large quantity of frumenty on the morning they began to clip; and every child in the village was invited to partake of it". A second batch, of better quality, was produced later and taken round in buckets to every house in the village.
It was all poverty
Was not heat around
When dignity is expensive
Masses always need a messiah
Do you need some crimes?
To feel you like a god?
Despise the loosers
High-powered cleaning
We come to fight
To use long knives
And when there is no light
Anyone can jump to fire
March! March! March! March! March!
March! March! March! March! March!
They will pay our pain
To see the world so fake
Somebody fighted for a nation
Someone will fight for the blood
Was a race cleaning?
Was a wotan revenge?
Was a demon cumming
Over the wordl ass?
Wake up!
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed! Bleed, bleed, bleed!
When the power rises
Nobody can't stop the rifle
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed