Saint Fridolin, otherwise Fridolin of Säckingen, traditionally believed to have been born in Ireland, was a missionary, and the founder of Säckingen Abbey, Baden, in the 6th or 7th century. He is honoured as the apostle of the Alamanns.
There is very little definite information on Fridolin. He is traditionally venerated as an Irish missionary and the first to work among the Alamanns on the Upper Rhine, in the time of the Merovingians. The only portion of the late Life that can be regarded as historically sound is that he founded a monastery on the island of Säckingen in the Rhine. There is no exact information on the date of the foundation. The monastery, however, was of great importance by the 9th century: the earliest extant document concerning it records the gift, on 10 February 878, of the monastery by Charles the Fat to his wife Richardis.
The biography written by Balther, a monk of Säckingen, at the beginning of the 11th century, is the earliest documentary reference to Fridolin (or Fridold), According to this, he belonged to a noble family in Ireland, and at first was a missionary there. Afterwards crossing to France, he came to Poitiers, where in answer to a vision, he sought out the relics of Saint Hilarius, and built a church for them. Saint Hilarius subsequently appeared to him in a dream, and commanded him to proceed to an island in the Rhine, in the territories of the Alamanns. In obedience to this summons, Fridolin approached the "Emperor" Clovis, who granted him possession of the still unknown island, and thence proceeded through "Helion",Strasbourg and Coire, founding churches in every district in honour of Saint Hilarius.
Hab'n Sie nicht 'ne Mark fuer Fridolin
oder hab'n Sie irgendein Geschenk fuer ihn?
Fridolin ist ja so schwach und klein
er wird Ihnen ewig dankbar sein.
Helfen Sie ihm
über'n Berg
tun Sie mal ein gutes Werk!
Sie dürfen nicht vorueberziehn
hab'n Sie nicht 'ne Mark fuer Fridolin?
Vers :
I. Pleite
pleite sind so viele Leute.
Bis man'sich daran gewoehnt
jammert man und stoehnt.
Der Verwandtschaft
saemtlicher Bekanntschaft
wird es kummervoll geklagt
und sie wird gefragt:
Hab'n Sie nicht. . .
2. Ins Finanzamt geht ein reicher Mann 'rein
wirft was in des Bettlers Hut
denn es geht ihm gut.
Vom Finanzamt kommt
ein armer Mann 'raus
der mit traurigem Gesicht
zu dem Bettler spricht: