
In Norse mythology, Freyja (/ˈfrə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, keeps the boar Hildisvíni by her side, possesses a cloak of falcon feathers, and, by her husband Óðr, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Along with her brother Freyr (Old Norse the "Lord"), her father Njörðr, and her mother (Njörðr's sister, unnamed in sources), she is a member of the Vanir. Stemming from Old Norse Freyja, modern forms of the name include Freya, Freija, Frejya, Freyia, Fröja, Frøya, Frøjya, Freia, Freja, Frua and Freiya.

Freyja rules over her heavenly afterlife field Fólkvangr and there receives half of those that die in battle, whereas the other half go to the god Odin's hall, Valhalla. Within Fólkvangr is her hall, Sessrúmnir. Freyja assists other deities by allowing them to use her feathered cloak, is invoked in matters of fertility and love, and is frequently sought after by powerful jötnar who wish to make her their wife. Freyja's husband, the god Óðr, is frequently absent. She cries tears of red gold for him, and searches for him under assumed names. Freyja has numerous names, including Gefn, Hörn, Mardöll, Sýr, Valfreyja, and Vanadís.

List of Marvel Comics characters: F

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  • A
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  • F
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  • I
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  • Fader
  • Fafnir
  • Fagin
  • Falcon (Captain America VII)
  • Falcona
  • Arturo Falcones

    Fallen One

  • Famine
  • Fan Boy

    Arnold "Arnie" Lundberg is a mutant who was born with the right hand side of his face hideously scarred. Children in his local town mocked and ridiculed him, as did many others. The result of this was a beating that left him badly hurt and comatose. As he lay comatose, he heard the recorded voice of U-Go Girl (Edie Sawyer), recorded for publicity reasons, which stirred him out of his inert state. He soon revived completely.

    Arnie Lundberg claimed to be the biggest X-Force fan in the world, especially of U-Go Girl. He blamed the Orphan for killing his favorite member. It was eventually revealed that he was a mutant and was using his powers to control a small town in Minnesota. He was also psychically sending images of U-Go Girl into the Orphan's mind in hope that Guy would attack him. Preparing for the attack, he unleashed an army of the dead to attack Solomon O'Sullivan's super team, O-Force. The Orphan arrived and saved the team and confronted Arnie who sent him flying out a window and into the undead army. Guy was saved by X-Statix and Guy convinced Arnie to turn his powers to healing the mess he has called. First sending him to Charles Xavier after having presented him as deceased to the public, the Orphan then instead nominated Arnie for X-Statix membership so that they could keep an eye on him.

    Freyja (disambiguation)

    The name of the Norse goddess Freyja and its modern variants, including Freya, Freia, and Freja can refer to:


  • Frøya, Sogn og Fjordane, an island and a former municipality of Sogn og Fjordane county in Norway
  • Frøya, Sør-Trøndelag, an island and a present municipality of Sør-Trøndelag county in Norway
  • Persons

  • Freya (given name), a feminine given name derived from the name of the goddess
  • Audrey Freyja Clarke, Icelandic figure skater
  • Freya Stark, British explorer and travel writer
  • Freya Van den Bossche, Belgian, Flemish politician
  • Freya North, British writer
  • Freya Clausen, Danish singer/songwriter and television personality
  • Freya Ross, Scottish long-distance runner
  • Freya Stafford, Australian actress
  • Freya Mavor, Scottish actress and model
  • Freja Beha Erichsen, Danish model
  • Music

  • Freya (singer), full name Freya Clausen, Danish singer
  • Freya (song), a song by doom metal band The Sword from their 2006 debut album Age of Winters
  • Freya (band), a metal/hardcore band from Syracuse, NY
  • Podcasts:
