French tarot
The French game of tarot, also jeu de tarot, is a trick-taking strategy tarot card game played by three to five players using a traditional 78-card tarot deck. The game is the second most popular card game in France, and also known in French-speaking Canada. French tarot is one of the older forms of tarot and has remained popular for centuries.
Official rules
Tarot, the second-most popular card game in France, trailing only Belote, has been gaining popularity since the latter part of the 20th century, helped largely by the fact that the rules are very consistent wherever the game is played. The Fédération Française de Tarot publishes official rules for tarot. In English, the game is sometimes referred to as French tarot. This is done to differentiate the card game from other uses of the tarot deck which are more familiar in the Americas and English-speaking countries, namely cartomancy and other divinatory uses, and also to distinguish it from other card games played with a tarot deck.