Frederiksbjerg is a borough in Aarhus, Denmark. It is located just south of the historical city centre, separated from it by a broad railway yard and connected by three bridges. Despite being part of the inner city, Frederiksbjerg has its own charm and character and express some of the first large scale attempts to plan the development of Aarhus as a city. With around 20,000 inhabitants, it is basically a residential area, but with three large shopping streets; Bruunsgade, Jægergårdsgade, and Frederiks Allé.
Frederiksbjerg was annexed by Aarhus in 1874, when the city limits was moved south from the railway yard. The city was at bursting point for expansion, due to the accelerating industrialization and population growth, and new building sites were desperately needed. From 1870-75 Frederiksbjergs population rose from just 300 to 2000 citizens and with the building of the new bridge of Bruuns Bro, the admission accelerated further. This development inspired the City Council to adopt a strategy of large scale city planning, something hitherto unheard of in Aarhus and Denmark in general. Several plans was proposed and worked out, but the architect Hack Kampmann and city engineer to Copenhagen Charles Ambt's innovative plan from 1898, ended up as the most influential. Frederiksbjerg was soon fully developed and populated thereafter.