is a website that allows access to, and playback of, pronunciation sound clips in many different languages in an attempt to facilitate the learning of languages. was first envisioned in 2007 by co-founder Israel Rondón, and came to fruition in 2008. is owned by Forvo Media SL, based in San Sebastián, Spain. Forvo's 'About'-page states Forvo to be the largest pronunciation guide website on the Internet. It has been listed in the 50 best websites of 2013 by Time.
All sound clips on are created by its users, who also have the power to vote on each clip, positively or negatively, in an effort to ensure that the highest quality sound clips have priority in the site's listings. The pronunciations are also reviewed and edited by a volunteer team of editors. uses proprietary Adobe Flash technology for recording the pronunciation sound clips.
Forvo has an API to share its pronunciation with other websites.
Forvo just encourages adding simple words but there are some exceptions that can be clearly found in their recommendations and policy.
You get the burn
We're on the train
I feel no pain
I feel no pain
You set the sights
But I'm already there
Do you care?
Do you care?
I can't get it out of my head
When you said
I'm gonna leave
I felt surprised
That you wanted to know
Where the geese go to
Late at night
I'm feeling fine
What is it inside
It's inside
And I can't get it out of my head
When he said