A formant, as used by James Jeans, is a harmonic of a note that is augmented by a resonance. The speech researcher Gunnar Fant defines formants as "the spectral peaks of the sound spectrum |P(f)|". In acoustics generally, a very similar definition is widely used: the Acoustical Society of America defines a formant as: "a range of frequencies [of a complex sound] in which there is an absolute or relative maximum in the sound spectrum". In speech science and phonetics, however, a formant is also sometimes used to mean an acoustic resonance of the human vocal tract. Thus, in phonetics, formant can mean either a resonance or the spectral maximum that the resonance produces. Formants are often measured as amplitude peaks in the frequency spectrum of the sound, using a spectrogram (in the figure) or a spectrum analyzer and, in the case of the voice, this gives an estimate of the vocal tract resonances. In vowels spoken with a high fundamental frequency, as in a female or child voice, however, the frequency of the resonance may lie between the widely spaced harmonics and hence no corresponding peak is visible.
It was all poverty
Was not heat around
When dignity is expensive
Masses always need a messiah
Do you need some crimes?
To feel you like a god?
Despise the loosers
High-powered cleaning
We come to fight
To use long knives
And when there is no light
Anyone can jump to fire
March! March! March! March! March!
March! March! March! March! March!
They will pay our pain
To see the world so fake
Somebody fighted for a nation
Someone will fight for the blood
Was a race cleaning?
Was a wotan revenge?
Was a demon cumming
Over the wordl ass?
Wake up!
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Every dogged is always ready to make a war
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed!
Bleed, bleed, bleed! Bleed, bleed, bleed!
When the power rises
Nobody can't stop the rifle
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed