The Forfeda are the "additional" letters of the Ogham alphabet, beyond the basic inventory of twenty signs. The most important of these are five forfeda which were arranged in their own aicme or class, and were invented in the Old Irish period, several centuries after the peak of Ogham usage. They appear to have represented sounds felt to be missing from the original alphabet, maybe é(o), ó(i), ú(i), p and ch.
The five aicme forfeda are glossed in the manuscripts Auraicept na n-Éces ('The Scholars' Primer), De dúilib feda ('Elements of the Letters') and In Lebor Ogaim ('The Book of Ogam'), by several Bríatharogaim ("word oghams" ), or two word kennings, which explain the meanings of the names of the letters of the Ogham alphabet. Three variant lists of bríatharogaim or 'word-oghams' have been preserved, dating to the Old Irish period. They are as follows:
Later Medieval scholars believed that all of the letter names of the ogham alphabet were those of trees, and attempted to explain the bríatharogaim in that light. However, modern scholarship has shown that only eight at most of the original twenty letter names are those of trees, and that the word-oghams or kennings themselves support this. Of the forfeda letter names, only one may be that of a tree or shrub (pín) and their kennings as edited (in normalized Old Irish) and translated by McManus (1988) are as follows:
Tonight we watch the burning cars shining bright Was it boredom is not the sky enough
Everything I loved is now leaving me
No photographs can show how it used to be
Wake up the past and tell it to stay away
Bad times are here to stay
Wake up the past and tell it to stay away
Bad times are here to stay
Its just a Firefight - Its just a Firefight
What can you do when everything turns to dust
A sign from god replaced what you forgot
What can you do when everything turns to dust
A sign from god replaced what you forgot
Wake up the past and tell it to stay away
Bad times are here to stay
Wake up the past and tell it to stay away
Bad times are here to stay