Forestry is the science and craft of creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human benefit. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands. The science of forestry has elements that belong to the biological, physical, social, political and managerial sciences.
Modern forestry generally embraces a broad range of concerns, in what is known as multiple-use management, including the provision of timber, fuel wood, wildlife habitat, natural water quality management, recreation, landscape and community protection, employment, aesthetically appealing landscapes, biodiversity management, watershed management, erosion control, and preserving forests as 'sinks' for atmospheric carbon dioxide. A practitioner of forestry is known as a forester.
Forest ecosystems have come to be seen as the most important component of the biosphere, and forestry has emerged as a vital applied science, craft, and technology.
Pharaoh, he was a powerful man
With the ancient world in the palm of his hand
To all intents and purposes, he was Egypt with a capital E
Whatever he did he was showered with praise
If he cracked a joke then you chortled for days
No one had rights or a vote but the king
In fact you might say he was fairly right wing
When Pharaoh's around, then you get down on the ground
If you ever find yourself near Ramses, get down on your knees
A Pharaoh story, a Pharaoh story
Down at the other end of the scale
Joseph is still doing time in jail
For even though he is in with the guards
A lifetime in prison seems quite on the cards
But if my analysis of the position is right
At the end of the tunnel there's a glimmer of light
For all of a sudden indescribable things
Have shattered the sleep of both peasants and kings
Strange as it seems, there's been a run of crazy dreams
And a man who can interpret could go far, could become a star
Could be famous, could be a big success