Savage Model 64
Formally known as the Cooey 64, the Winchester-Cooey Model 64B and the Lakefield 64B, the Savage Model 64 series is a semi-automatic .22 LR rifle made by Savage Arms in Lakefield, Ontario, Canada. It operates on a simple blowback action. It is targeted towards beginning shooters, small game hunters, and budget minded plinking. It is one of the most popular plinkers in the United States due to high accuracy, being chambered in cheap, common, and readily available .22 long rifle, and the inexpensive price.
It is unusual among semiautomatic 22s, and traditional (non-bullpup) semiautomatic rifles in general, in that it is available in a true left handed version (left handed safety, charging handle and eject -presumably wrong handed twist). Some consider this particularly helpful for new, especially young shooters, as it leaves them free to focus on more important matters to learn.
The "64 series" has sold under [combination of manufacturers' names listed above] [62, 64 and 954] [one or more letters]. It was also sold as Sears Roebuck & Co. Model 6C. Although often unexpressed in speech, as a "64" it is almost always followed by a single series letter. "64" without a letter indicates the first year of manufacturer only. That version had a plastic magazine. It is considered undesirable. It was followed by the 64B.