A fluorescent lamp or a fluorescent tube is a low pressure mercury-vaporgas-discharge lamp that uses fluorescence to produce visible light. An electric current in the gas excitesmercury vapor which produces short-wave ultraviolet light that then causes a phosphor coating on the inside of the lamp to glow. A fluorescent lamp converts electrical energy into useful light much more efficiently than incandescent lamps. The typical luminous efficacy of fluorescent lighting systems is 50–100 lumens per watt, several times the efficacy of incandescent bulbs with comparable light output.
Fluorescent lamp fixtures are more costly than incandescent lamps because they require a ballast to regulate the current through the lamp, but the lower energy cost typically offsets the higher initial cost. Compact fluorescent lamps are now available in the same popular sizes as incandescents and are used as an energy-saving alternative in homes.
The district is working this spring to finish converting light fixtures at Harvey High School and Heritage Middle School to LED lighting from existing fluorescent lighting ... provide more lighting.
Good lighting is crucial in a closet, yet it's often overlooked ... When sourcing lighting for a closet, it's best to avoid harsh fluorescent lights, which are notorious for casting unflattering shadows.
Also known as the aurora borealis, the colourful light show – which turns the sky various fluorescent shades – should be visible in parts of the UK ... If you've always dreamed of seeing the NorthernLights, tonight could be your opportunity.
Brits have been told to keep an eye on the skies tonight as there's a chance they may be able to spot the northern lights. Also known as the aurora borealis, the colourful light show turns the sky various fluorescent shades.
Swifties send friendship bracelets to 13-year-old with brain tumor ... "I'm doing good ... A string of Christmas lights are draped around Lily's bedroom on the second floor. The white fluorescence dances across her Harry Potter and Eras Tour posters.
But then, when we turned on the black lights, what used to be just a plain brown wall turned into a bright layer of fluorescent mineral that indicated where a pool of water used to be 10,000 or 20,000 years ago,” said Sebree. .
The team initially explored using torches operating at visual wavelengths but also brought black lights, whose UV radiation can stimulate fluorescence at wavelengths we can see.
In an alcove where locally quarried minerals such as prehnite and quartz line the walls, Garside flipped a switch, killing the lights ... In this shadowy corner, beneath a black light, the stones in one display began to glow fluorescent green and orange.
When it locks its doors at 5 p.m ... to 5 p.m. Saturday ... In a bonus, County SupervisorHilda Solis got the library $130,000, which will replace fluorescent bulbs with LED lighting for the main floor ... “They will see the new lighting.” ... He said ... .
Dr. Martha C ... Martha Gomez. The Colombian authority on cloning. Martha C. Gomez is widely acknowledged as a world authority in cloning ... Dr ... Green,” the world’s first transgenic cloned cat, which fluoresces green under ultraviolet light ... In 2005, Dr ... Dr.
Picture this. Trading the monotonous hum of fluorescent office lights for the soothing rhythm of tropical ocean waves or the quiet buzz of a cozy cafe in a centuries-old village ... be it home, a coffee shop or even a beach. Shared spaces ... 1/2Next. .
In an old gun barrel factory in Sheffield's industrial heartland, hundreds of people are raving under the fluorescent lights of HopeWorks club for one of the last times before it closes ... "It's where people find their tribe." ... .
They don’t have as much light-gathering ability and magnification as telescopes do, but binoculars have definite advantages ...It’s a giant emission nebula of excited hydrogen gas lit up like a fluorescent light by new stars forming within it.
and forced to share a single concrete cell with 24-hour fluorescent lighting, no mats or blankets, and limited bathroom use ... I don’t know about you, but I’m banking on the light to make America great again.
... learnt,” she said, pink headscarf glowing under the fluorescent lights.According to MSF, which supports the complex of two-storey buildings, Al-Nao has suffered three direct hits since the war began.