Flipside, flip side, or flipsyde may refer to:
Flipside is an Australian television comedy series produced by Long Shot Film Entertainment which first screened on ABC in 2002. The seven episode, 30 minute sketch comedy series was written and performed by actors and comedians. It was directed by Nicholas Bufalo with Producer Madeline Getson, Executive Producer Andrew Friedman and Script Editor Michael Ward. It has also screened on Foxtel's The Comedy Channel.
Flipside is a mod for the video game Half-Life 2. It is a cardboard-themed side-scrolling platform game with the ability to turn the camera around 180 degrees to view the 2d cardboard world from the opposite side. Flipside was developed by Team 3, a group of students from DADIU and released June 18, 2007.
Flipside is a third-person total conversion of Valve's Half-Life 2. The player takes on the identity of a mental patient with extreme mood changes who is planning his escape from an insane asylum. The imaginary escape through the landscape surrounding the insane asylum takes place in a world put together from cardboard pieces and jumping jacks decorated with magazine cuttings, stickers, and drawings. Reflecting the extreme mood changes of the character, the player can at any point turn the camera around 180 degrees to see the world from the opposite side. One side is a happy, fluffy world with rainbows, bunnies, and bumble bees, while the other side is a gloomy, hostile world with thunderclouds, evil nurses, and killer wasps.
Boom may refer to:
Boom! is an American reality television series that aired on Spike TV in 2005 and was hosted by Kourtney Klein. It featured a group of demolition experts using explosives to destroy objects such as trailers, houses, boats and cars. Often, the suggestions on what should be blown up were sent in by home viewers via a "BOOM! Mailbag". Each episode covered obtaining the materials (such as the item to be destroyed), cleaning, gutting, and rigging the thing with explosives, and then making the final countdown and pushing the detonator, and watching the devastation.
Boom! is a children's science fiction novel by Mark Haddon published in 2009. It is the revised version of Mark Haddon's Gridzbi Spudvetch!, which was published in 1992.
Boom! tells the story of two best friends, Charlie and Jimbo (a nickname for James). When Jimbo's sister, Becky, says that the teachers are going to send him to a school for mentally ill children, Jimbo and Charlie sneaked into the staff room, where they hid a walkie-talkie to eavesdrop on the teachers' conversation, in order to confirm what Becky said was true. None of the information they hear means anything (turns out Becky was just trying to scare Jimbo), except for the surprising fact that their teachers both Mr. Kidd and Mrs. Pearce is speaking another language. After a while of dangerous investigating (for instance, sneaking into Mrs. Pearce's attic) they were approached by a man in a suit at a restaurant who told them to leave their teachers alone and then promptly burned a hole through the table they were sitting at with his finger. They disobeyed his order, however, and Charlie was kidnapped and taken to the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, where he had to fake happiness or else face certain death. But, Jimbo did not seem to know this. After a while of Jimbo investigating Charlie's "Spudvetch!" notebook (their secret notebook for gathering information) he discovered that his best bet to find him would be on the Isle Of Skye, in Scotland. He and his sister, who he had managed to convince to come with him, eventually arrived there, although with much difficulty, and inside an abandoned shack, a mysterious portal opened. Jimbo got sucked into Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, but his sister stayed on Earth, unaware. He found Charlie and, with much difficulty, escaped.