Sociaal-Liberale Partij
Sociaal-Liberale Partij (
listen; SLP; Dutch for Social Liberal Party) was a Belgian Flemish political party formed after dissolution of the moderate nationalist People's Union (Volksunie) party. Prior to 19 April 2008 it was known as Spirit, and intermediately as Flemish Progressives (VlaamsProgressieven). The party fused with Green! in the end of 2009 thus ceasing to exist.
The People's Union separated into two parties, the social liberal Spirit and the centre-right New-Flemish Alliance (N-VA), which formed a cartel with the Christian Democratic and Flemish (CD&V) party. The formation of the cartels was seen as a way in which Spirit and N-VA could guarantee their influence and position in Flemish and Belgian politics. The forming of the cartel led the liberal wing of the party to join the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD).
Spirit was the abbreviation for
Sociaal (Social)
Progressief (Progressive)
Internationaal (International)
Regionalistisch (Regional)