Flanker may refer to:
In perfumery, a flanker refers to newly created perfume that shares some attributes of an already existing perfume. These attributes may be the name, packaging or notes of the existing fragrance.
Fireflight is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise. They are all Autobots who turn into jets.
Fireflight first appeared as a member of the Aerialbots. A reckless flyer, pays no attention to the safety of others as he can get easily distracted by the vistas he sees below while in flight.
The Aerialbots were created on Cybertron around the same time as the Stunticons as a countermeasure to the new Decepticon car team. They are the Autobots' first combiner team, and when merged to form Superion, also considered their strongest combiner. Unlike the Decepticons' combiner team the Constructicons, their configuration is five transformers instead of six.
Their first appearance comes in the two-parter "Key to Vector Sigma, pts. 1 & 2". They were created to combat the Stunticons. During the fight, the Autobots were badly overpowered by the Stunticons when the newly formed Aerialbots arrived and battled them. The Stunticons were no match for the Aerialbots and their aeroplane alternate-modes, but once they merged and formed the Decepticon Menasor, things got out of hand. However, the Aerialbots had their own combination, soon they too formed their own combiner, Superion, to combat Menasor. The two battled, but Menasor began to take the upper hand. Menasor was about to land a fatal blow to the Autobot when Omega Supreme arrived, and helped Superion to defeat him, forcing the Stunticons and the Decepticons to retreat.
Ingmar is a Scandinavian given name and is a composite of Ing, possibly a Norse god, and Mar, meaning "famous". The name element Ing is also found in Ingvar, Ingolf, Ingeborg, and other names. Its name day is June 3. See also Ingemar.
Ingmar may refer to: