The Flanaess is the eastern part of the continent of Oerik, one of the four continents of the fictional world of Oerth in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. The Flanaess has been the setting of dozens of adventures published between the 1970s and 2000s and continues to be the central focus of the campaign world. As well as being home to a number of demihuman and humanoid races, it is also inhabited by the Suel, Bakluni, Oerid, and Flan subraces of humanity.
In late 1972, Dave Arneson demonstrated a new type of game to a group of gamers in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, including game designer Gary Gygax. Gygax agreed to develop a set of rules with Arneson and get the game published; the game eventually became known as "Dungeons & Dragons". Gygax designed a set of dungeons underneath the ruins of Castle Greyhawk as a testing ground for new rules, character classes and spells. In those early days, there was no "Flanaess"; the world map of "Oerth" was developed by Gygax as circumstances dictated, the new cities and lands simply drawn over a map of North America. Gygax and his friend Rob Kuntz further developed this campaign setting, and by 1976, the lands within a radius of 50 miles had been mapped in depth, and the lands within a radius of approximately 500 miles were in outline form. In addition, more distant lands had been roughly sketched out to accommodate various adventures. (For more information about the first days of Gygax's home campaign, see Greyhawk.)
Welcoming Party / This Is System
This is system for your life we exist
We'll take your mind and violently twist into
A shape so desperate you'll make us your life
And like your mother we will hold you so tight
And we'll grow off our pain constant aggression.
We're sedatives for your alteration
We'll drag you down for the rest of your life
And then the system succeeds
The day you have died
We welcome you child and we open our arms of greetings
We'll treat you just right and we'll change you inside and you'll see
That it's so necessary for you to accept
Or we'll strap you down 'til we gain your respect
You'll see it our way and you'll never question what we say
See me I am crying through eyes of pain!
Cold hearted system I cannot escape!
Much more comfortable now, much more relaxed, just slightly sedated
And when the lights go out, you will recall the pain that you've faded
And in the blackened pitch you hear the other guests screaming
And you can feel the horror of their hated dreams
We'll strap you down tight
Shocking your mind for screaming
You poor child with pain in your eyes
We never hear you cry
We'd like to think that you are someone's mistake
And so we lock you away
There's got to be some kind of end
A way out from under this horror
Something out there beyond the pain
That welcomes with comfort
We'll let you go this time and it's your mistake
You will miss our hate and desire our pain
And you will be back
Because they will not understand you
You feared man with the hate in your eyes
Looks like you don't mind dying
We'd like to think that you're a social mistake