In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, the Flan are a race of humans living in the Flanaess. The Flan peoples were the first humans known to have settled the eastern portion of the continent of Oerik, the Flanaess, which is named for them. Regions of the Flanaess that contain a significant number of Flan peoples include Geoff, Sterich, the Rovers of the Barrens, Tenh, and the Wolf Nomads.

Pre-migrations Flan are described in the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Game Setting's Guide to the World of Greyhawk as "hardy and capable hunters but not particularly warlike, and their small and scattered groups made no appreciable civilizing efforts." This is a simplification, for the Flan boast several pre-Migrations cultures, including those found at Sulm in the Bright Desert, Veralos on the edge of Rift Canyon, Tostehnca in the Griff Mountains, and several others.


Description [link]

Pureblooded Flan boast a bronze-colored complexion, varying from a light copper shade to a deep brown hue. Eyes are typically dark brown, black, brown, or amber. Their wavy or curly hair is usually black, brown-black, dark brown, or brown.

Religion [link]

Many Flan follow the Old Faith. The following deities make up the Flan pantheon:

Notable Flan Kingdoms of Pre-history [link]

The following Flan kingdoms existed prior to the Great Migrations.

  • The Isles of Woe (Nyr Dyv)
  • Itar (Bright Desert)
  • The Occluded Empire of Vecna
  • Sulm (Bright Desert)
  • Tostenhca (Griff Mountains)
  • Veralos (Rift Canyon)

References [link]

