An ion (/ˈaɪən, -ɒn/) is an atom or a molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a net positive or negative electrical charge. Ions can be created, by either chemical or physical means, via ionization.
In chemical terms, if a neutral atom loses one or more electrons, it has a net positive charge and is known as a cation.
If an atom gains electrons, it has a net negative charge and is known as an anion.
An ion consisting of a single atom is an atomic or monatomic ion; if it consists of two or more atoms, it is a molecular or polyatomic ion. Because of their electric charges, cations and anions attract each other and readily form ionic compounds, such as salts.
In the case of physical ionization of a medium, such as a gas, what are known as "ion pairs" are created by ion impact, and each pair consists of a free electron and a positive ion.
The word ion is the Greek ἰόν, ion, "going", the present participle of ἰέναι, ienai, "to go". This term was introduced by English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday in 1834 for the then-unknown species that goes from one electrode to the other through an aqueous medium. Faraday did not know the nature of these species, but he knew that since metals dissolved into and entered a solution at one electrode, and new metal came forth from a solution at the other electrode, that some kind of substance moved through the solution in a current, conveying matter from one place to the other.
Ion is a fictional character, a DC Comics superhero. Created by writer Judd Winick and artist Dale Eaglesham for Green Lantern vol. 3 #142, Ion was devised as the new superhero identity for Green Lantern protagonist Kyle Rayner. It was later revealed to be able to form mutualism with a host, bestowing its power to a host willingly. This followed a similar retcon as Parallax, originally the new supervillain alias of Hal Jordan, which was revealed to be a parasitic embodiment of fear in the 2004–2005 miniseries Green Lantern: Rebirth.
As soon as sentient beings developed willpower, Ion was born from the green wavelength of the so-called "emotional spectrum". Its existence has been kept a secret for eons, and it resided in the Central Battery on Oa to keep Parallax, the parasitic fear entity also imprisoned there, in check, as well as granting the Guardians of the Universe, Manhunters, The Green Glob, Halla's, and then The Green Lantern Corps a portion of its vast powers. After Hal Jordan, under the influences of Parallax and Sinestro, destroyed the Central Battery, Ion, along with Parallax and Sinestro, were set free. After wandering throughout the cosmos, it eventually settled within Kyle Rayner as its host.
Ion is a masculine given name. The name form in English corresponds to two different and unrelated names from different original languages.
The first name is the Greek,Ἴων, Iōn, after the mythical founder of the Ionians; the modern (demotic) Greek equivalent of the name is Ionas. The source of this is the Hebrew Yavan, alternatively transliterated as ι-o-ν (Yut Vav/digamma Nun), with each letter corresponding to its appropriate counterpart.
The second name is the Romanian Ion which is equivalent to the English name John and has the same etymology as "Jon", tracing back the Hebrew name Johanan; Ion can also be a surname in Romanian. Another variant is Ioan. A common diminutive is Ionel. Its female form is Ioana. The surname Ionescu derives from Ion.
Spyro is a series of platform games which primarily features the protagonist Spyro the Dragon and his friend, Sparx the Dragonfly. Since its introduction in 1998, there has been a complete reboot to the series called The Legend of Spyro trilogy, making it a total of ten Spyro games and three Legend of Spyro games. The Spyro series has sold more than 20 million units worldwide. After The Legend of Spyro series concluded, a spin-off franchise under the name of Skylanders was made where Spyro and other related characters were included in.
Spyro the Dragon was first released in North America on 11 September 1998, for the PlayStation. It was released in Europe on 23 October 1998, In Australia on 15 November 1998 and in Japan on 1 April 1999. It is a platform game that placed the player as Spyro, a small, purple dragon set with the task of freeing his fellow dragons from crystal prisons, which are scattered around their world. Each level is accessed through 'portals' from a main world. The game concludes with a fight between Spyro and the primary antagonist, Gnasty Gnorc. The game sold well, most critics giving it favorable reviews. It also received acclaim for its musical score by Stewart Copeland.
Flame (불꽃 - Bulggot) is a 1975 South Korean film directed by Yu Hyun-mok. It was awarded Best Film at the Grand Bell Awards ceremony.
In this anti-communist film, a young man hiding from the Korean War learns about his father's death while fighting the Japanese. By telling him the family history, his mother inspires him to fight the North Korean communists.
Flame is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Flame tried to burn down Dazzler's apartment, and she hired Power Man and Iron Fist to find out who was behind it. Flame caught Dazzler and tried to kill her, but she was able to defeat him.
Ferocia, Blue Streak, Flame, and Kingsize later broke Ricadonna from Sing Sing. Flame and his allies waited in the Corporation HQ on Hart Island and he trained his shapeshifting abilities, and Ricadonna told them that they would finish their job now. During the Heroes for Hire's attack on the Corporation's facility Flame fought Orka, and was later carried by Shang-Chi into an escape tunnel before it exploded.
Flame is an expert arsonist. His costume is fireproof and has goggles to protect his eyes from the intense glare of the fires he lights. The gloves of his costume are fitted with miniature flame-throwers and can shoot fireballs from the fingertips. He also wields a "fire-sword" which is a blade of super-hot flame.