In heraldry and vexillology, fimbriation refers to small stripes of colour (technically called "tincture" in this sense in heraldry) placed around common charges or ordinaries, usually in order for them to stand out from the background, but perhaps just because the designer felt it looked better, or for a more technical reason (in heraldry only) to avoid what would otherwise be a violation of the rule of tincture.[1][2] While fimbriation almost invariably applies to both or all sides of a charge, there are very unusual examples of fimbriation on one side only.[3] Another rather rare form is double fimbriation (blazoned "double fimbriated"), where the charge or ordinary is accompanied by two stripes of colour instead of only one. In cases of double fimbriation the outer colour is blazoned first. The arms of Mozirje, in Slovenia, show an example of fimbriation that itself is fimbriated.[4]
Fimbriation may also be used when a charge is the same colour as the field on which it is placed. A red charge placed on a red background may be necessary, for instance where the charge and field are both a specific colour for historical reasons, and in these cases fimbriation becomes a necessity in order for the charge to be visible. In some cases, such as a fimbriated cross placed on a field of the same colour as the cross, the effect is identical to the use of cross voided, i.e., a cross shown in outline only.
According to the rule of tincture, one of the fundamental rules of heraldic design, colour may not be placed on colour nor metal on metal (in heraldry, "metal" refers to gold and silver and yellow and white, which are often used to represent gold and silver. "Colour" refers to all other colours). Sometimes, however, it is desired to do something like this, so fimbriation is used as a method of getting around the rule.
In vexillology that is not specifically heraldic, the rules of heraldry do not apply, yet fimbriation is still frequently seen. The reason for this is largely one of visibility - the separating of darker colours by white or yellow is an aid to the visual separation of the darker colours. A good example of a flag which uses fimbriation is the national flag of South Africa which is fimbriated in white above and below the central green area, and in yellow between it and the triangle at the hoist.
Though fimbriation is, heraldically, intended to be used to separate areas that are both colours (by the use of a metal) or both metals (by the use of a colour), occasionally flags may be found which use fimbriation in non-standard ways. One example of this is the flag of the Faroe Islands, which separates a red cross from a white field with blue fimbriation. Another example of this non-standard fimbriation is the flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand, which separates areas of blue and red with black fimbriation. The flag of Uzbekistan also uses this form of "pseudo-fimbriation" - it adds a thin red band between a colour and a metal, separating blue (above) and green (below) from a central white stripe.
Some fifteen to twenty countries use fimbriation on their national flags. National flags that use fimbriation include those of Trinidad and Tobago, North Korea, Botswana, Kenya and - most famously - the British Union Flag. On this latter flag the fimbriation is unusual, as a white fimbriation separates a blue field from a red cross (representing England) and also from a divided red and white saltire (the red representing Ireland and the white representing Scotland). The white fimbriation along the white part of the saltire - possibly unique in vexillology - is responsible for the famous "lopsidedness" of the Union Jack, giving it the appearance of having a red saltire fimbriated more widely on one side than the other.[citation needed]
OBS.: esta música não foi composta ou gravada pelo Raul, só está neste diretório porque muita gente pensa que ele o fez, assim fica mais fácil pra galera achar a música. Os verdadeiros autores são OS IMPOSSÍVEIS.
Puta que pariu
Meu gato pôs um ovo
Mas gato não põe ovo, puta que pariu de novo
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
quero morrer
todo peladão
A princesa Isabel,
que se amarra num negão
fumou um baseado e aboliu a escravidão.
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
de dia eu durmo e
de noite eu fumo um baseadão.
Dom Pedro Primeiro,
rapaz inteligente
fumou um baseado e nos deixou independente.
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
só faço sexo
dentro do caixão.
Diego Maradona,
que joga na Argentina
não sabe se é crack ou ainda é cocaína
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
só bebo sangue
de menstruação.
Tava na esquina,
fumando um baseado
chegou a polícia e me levou pro delegado
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
de dia eu durmo e
de noite eu fumo um baseadão.
O meu pai tem um carro
que é movido a gasolina
mas como eu não tenho carro sou movido cocaína
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
de dia eu durmo e
de noite eu fumo um baseadão.
Até Santos Dumont
que era um grande caretão
fumou um baseado e inventou o avião.
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
de dia eu durmo e
de noite eu fumo um baseadão.
Na casa da minha vó
não tinha um baseado
fiquei desesperado
e fumei capim com cravo.
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
soy muy locão
e overdose é bão.
Garotinha linda
eu gosto muito de você,
mas o que eu gosto mesmo é de L S D!
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
eu fumo todas
e não abro mão.
Quando eu morrer
não joguem flores no meu caixão
pode botar maconha
que é pra eu subir doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
Sou vampiro doidão
de dia eu durmo e
de noite eu fumo um baseadão.
[zoando seus amigos da roda de viola]
Humberto é meu amigo
Humberto é meu colega
Eu vou fazer com ele o que o cavalo faz com égua