Field propulsion is the concept of spacecraft propulsion where no propellant is necessary but instead momentum of the spacecraft is changed by an interaction of the spacecraft with external force fields, such as gravitational and magnetic fields from stars and planets. Some methods such as the gravity assist have been in use for interplanetary spacecraft missions for decades. Others are speculative and have not yet been demonstrated to be of practical use or theoretically valid.
A wild idea has been proposed to generate electric power from Earth’s rotation with the help of magnetic fields. ... theorized method to generate electricity from Earth’s magnetic field.
The engine is a plasma propulsion system, working by ionizing the propellant to create plasma, which is then accelerated by an electromagnetic field to form a high-speed particle stream, thus ...
Here are some remarkable women who have made a difference in their respective fields and achieved worldwide recognition ... She began making contributions to the field at an early age ... scientific field.