The Fernseh AG television company was registered in Berlin on July 3, 1929 by John Logie Baird, Robert Bosch and other partners with an initial capital of 100,000 Reichsmark.
The word "Fernseh" is a short form of the German word "Fernsehapparat" meaning television. In German: "fern" means far, "seh" means see, and "apparat" means device/apparatus. The company was mainly known by its German abbreviation "FESE".
In 1929 Fernseh AG's original board of directors included: Emanuel Goldberg, Oliver George Hutchinson (for Baird), David Ludwig Loewe, and Erich Carl Rassbach (for Bosch) and Eberhard Falkenstein who did the legal work.Carl Zeiss's company worked alongside the early Bosch company. Much of the early work was in the area of research and development. Along with early TV sets (DE-6, E1, DE10) Fernseh AG made the first "Remote Truck"/"OB van", an "intermediate-film" mobile television camera in August 1932. This was a film camera that had its film developed in the truck and a "telecine" then transmitted the signal almost "live".
Ich knabber gerne eicheln
denn die schmecken so gut
ich gehen dann in schwulen bars
und halte meinen hintern hin
dann knabber ich ne eichel und wich meinen mund ab
den da ist das was weißes
keien ahnung was es ist