God (male deity)
A god is a male deity, in contrast with a goddess, a female deity. While the term "goddess" specifically refers to a female deity, the plural "gods" can be applied to gods collectively, regardless of gender.
In most polytheistic religions, both in history and in the present, male deities had the more prominent role. The Greek and Roman pantheons were ruled by Zeus and Jupiter.
When Ancient Egyptian religion developed closer to monotheism, it was Amun, a male god, who rose to the most prominent place.
War gods like the rulers of the pantheon, could often be male: Ares/Mars and Toutatis are obvious examples.
Anubis - god of mummification in Egypt
Dyeus, sky father for the Proto-Indo-Europeans
Dyaus Pita, the reflex of Dyeus in the historical Vedic religion
Jupiter - chief god in Roman mythology
Tengri - primary chief deity and sky father of the early Turkic peoples and the proto-Mongols.
Zeus - main god in ancient Greece
Ra, sun god in Ancient Egyptian religion
Enki, patron god of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu