Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events.[1] It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos.


Fate [link]

Although the words are used interchangeably in many cases, fate and destiny can be distinguished. Traditional usage defines fate as a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable" and unavoidable. Classical and European mythology features three goddesses dispensing fate, known as Moirai in Greek mythology, as Parcae in Roman mythology, and as Norns in Norse mythology. They determine the events of the world through the mystic spinning of threads that represent individual human fates.

Destiny is used with regard to the finality of events as they have worked themselves out; and that same sense of Destination, projected into the future to become the flow of events as they will work themselves out. In other words, fate relates to events of the future and present of an individual and in cases in literature unalterable, whereas destiny relates to the probable future. Fate implies no choice, but with destiny the entity is participating in achieving an outcome that is directly related to itself. Participation happens willfully.

Fortune [link]

In Hellenistic civilization, the chaotic and unforeseeable turns of chance gave increasing prominence to a previously less notable goddess, Tyche, who embodied the good fortune of a city and all whose lives depended on its security and prosperity, two good qualities of life that appeared to be out of human reach. The Roman image of Fortuna, with the wheel she blindly turned, was retained by Christian writers, revived strongly in the Renaissance and survives in some forms today.[2]

Philosophy [link]

In daily language destiny and fate are synonymous, but with regards to 20th century philosophy the words gained inherently different meanings.

For Arthur Schopenhauer destiny was just a manifestation of the Will to Live, which can be at the same time living fate and choice of overrunning the fate same, by means of the Art, of the Morality and of the Ascesis.

For Nietzsche destiny keeps the form of Amor fati (Love of Fate) through the important element of Nietzsche's philosophy, the "will to power" (der Wille zur Macht), the basis of human behavior, influenced by the Will to Live of Schopenhauer. But this concept may have even other senses, although he, in various places, saw the will to power as a strong element for adaptation or survival in a better way.[3] Nietzsche eventually transformed the idea of matter as centers of force into matter as centers of will to power as mankind’s destiny to face with amor fati. The expression Amor fati is used repeatedly by Nietzsche as acceptation-choice of the fate, but in such way it becomes even another thing, precisely a “choice” destiny.

Literature [link]

Many Greek legends and tales teach the futility of trying to outmaneuver an inexorable fate that has been correctly predicted. This form of irony is important in Greek tragedy, as it is in Oedipus Rex and in the Duque de Rivas' play that Verdi transformed into La Forza del Destino ("The Force of Destiny") or Thornton Wilder's The Bridge of San Luis Rey, or in Macbeth's uncannily-derived knowledge of his own destiny, which in spite of all his actions does not preclude a horrible fate.

Other notable examples include Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles, in which Tess is destined to the miserable death that she is confronted with at the end of the novel; Samuel Beckett's Endgame; the popular short story "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs.

Destiny is a recurring theme in the literature of Hermann Hesse (1877–1962), including Siddharta (1922) and his magnum opus, Das Glasperlenspiel, also published as The Glass Bead Game (1943). The common theme of these works involves a protagonist who cannot escape a destiny if their fate has been sealed, however hard they try. Destiny is also an important plot point in the hit TV shows Lost, Heroes and Supernatural, as well a common theme in the Roswell TV series. Destiny is a recurring theme in the video-game franchise Kingdom Hearts, with Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep having its story based around the concept of Destiny, and the tagline for the game stating "Destiny is never left to chance."

The concepts of fate and destiny are highly relevant in adoption. Judith and Martin Land, Adoption Detective: Memoir of an Adopted Child, (2011), page XI, describe the destiny of orphans as a lifetime of squalor, poverty, and crime because most European law reflects an aversion to adoption. Baby farming in the Victorian era was the taking in of a child for payment, but baby farmers were often unscrupulous and many orphans suffered neglect and death. Eventually, adoption became a quintessential American institution, embodying faith in social engineering and mobility. In the modern era, adoptees seeking reunification with biological antecedents are spiritually challenged to know if their willful participation in pivotal events can alter their destiny to create a more positive outcome for themselves. Conversely, individuals pessimistically believing their fate is predetermined and unalterable seldom initiate these types of reunions due to the acute psychological trauma of parental rejection and abandonment suffered in childhood.

See also [link]

Notes [link]

  1. ^ Compare determinism, the philosophical proposition that every event, including human cognition and behavior, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences.
  2. ^ "The Wheel of Fortune" remains an emblem of the chance element in fate.
  3. ^ Beyond Good & Evil 13, Gay Science 349 & Genealogy of Morality II:12

References [link]

  • Cornelius, Geoffrey, C. (1994). "The Moment of Astrology: Origins in Divination", Penguin Group, part of Arkana Contemporary Astrology series.

Fate (series)

Fate is an action role-playing video game franchise developed by WildTangent.

Game series

  • Fate
  • Fate: Undiscovered Realms
  • Fate: The Traitor Soul
  • Fate: The Cursed King

  • Fate (disambiguation)

    Fate commonly refers to destiny, a predetermined course of events.

    Fate may also refer to:

  • Moirai or Fates, in Greek mythology
  • Time and fate deities, personifications of time and human fate in polytheistic religions
  • Film and television

  • Fate, a 1913 silent film by D. W. Griffith
  • Fate (2001 film), a 2001 Turkish film
  • Fate (2008 film), a 2008 South Korean film
  • "Fate" (In the Heat of the Night), an episode of In the Heat of the Night
  • Fate Testarossa, a character in the anime series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and its sequels
  • "Fate", a screenwriter whose credits include the documentary info wars
  • Literature

  • Fate (magazine), a magazine of paranormal phenomena
  • Doctor Fate, a succession of DC Comics sorcerer characters, first published in 1940
    • Fate (comics), a character associated with Doctor Fate, or the eponymous comics series
  • Fate (comics), a character associated with Doctor Fate, or the eponymous comics series
  • Fate/Zero, a Japanese light novel series and its adaptations
  • Seraphim (Nikitin)

    Metropolitan Seraphim of Krutitsy and Kolomna (Russian: Серафим, митрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский; born Vladimir Myronovych Nikitin (Russian: Владимир Миронович Никитин); July 2, 1905 - 22 April 1979) is a Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Kolomna and Krutitsy.


    Born in St. Petersburg in the family servant. In 1928 he graduated from the State Institute of Architecture.

    During World War II he served in the Soviet Army.

    In November 1951 he ordained deacon and then priest in the appointment of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Leningrad. As a member of the building committee of the Leningrad diocese. In 1958 he graduated from the correspondence section of the Leningrad Theological Academy with the title of Candidate of Theology.

    June 26, 1962 he was tonsured a monk with the name Seraphim in the Pskov-Caves Monastery, on July 1 of the same year elevated to the rank of Archimandrite.

    From 8 to 27 February 1968 a temporary administrator of the diocese of Voronezh.

